Framework formalizes collaborations between academia, industry and government to advance AI-enabled tools for research
CIFAR, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and Canada’s three national AI institutes (Amii, Mila and the Vector Institute) are pleased to announce a new memorandum of understanding that will increase capacity in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science research and training in Canada, with a focus on collaboration across sectors including academia, government and industry.
The memorandum establishes a framework to undertake collaborative research and development projects, opportunities for training, and cross-sector initiatives using AI.
In 2017, the Government of Canada appointed CIFAR to develop and lead the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the world’s first national AI strategy. CIFAR works in close collaboration with Canada’s three national AI Institutes—Amii in Edmonton, Mila in Montreal, and the Vector Institute in Toronto—to support thousands of researchers and trainees in the field of AI, through local, national and international programs.
“Over the first five years of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, CIFAR and Canada’s three national AI institutes have established a deep pool of talented individuals with AI skills and expertise, along with strong partnerships with academia, governments and industry,” says Elissa Strome, Executive Director of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy at CIFAR. “This formalized understanding with the NRC helps to move us to the next phase of the strategy by accelerating the connections made between government funders, our wealth of talented AI scientists in Canada, and industry partners who are excited to take advantage of the rich opportunities presented by AI.”
“This MOU framework deepens the linkages between the NRC and Canada’s AI research and industry ecosystem through the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy,” says Joel Martin, the NRC’s Chief Digital Research Officer and Chief Science Officer. “Its aim is to facilitate collaborative opportunities for leading-edge AI technologies to address current and future economic, social and environmental challenges.”