Portrait of Tal Arbel

Tal Arbel

Core Academic Member
Canada CIFAR AI Chair
Full Professor, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Topics
Computer Vision
Deep Learning
Generative Models
Medical Machine Learning
Probabilistic Models
Representation Learning


Tal Arbel is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University, where she is the director of the Probabilistic Vision Group and Medical Imaging Lab in the Centre for Intelligent Machines.

She is also a Canada CIFAR AI Chair, an associate academic member of Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute and an associate member of the Goodman Cancer Research Centre.

Arbel’s research focuses on the development of probabilistic deep learning methods in computer vision and medical image analysis for a wide range of real-world applications, with a focus on neurological diseases.

She is a recipient of the 2019 McGill Engineering Christophe Pierre Research Award and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. She regularly serves on the organizing team of major international conferences in computer vision and in medical image analysis (e.g. MICCAI, MIDL, ICCV, CVPR). She is currently the Editor-in-Chief and co-founder of the arXiv overlay journal: Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA).

Current Students

Postdoctorate - McGill University
PhD - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
PhD - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
PhD - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Master's Research - McGill University
Undergraduate - McGill University
Undergraduate - McGill University


Stroke Lesion Segmentation in FLAIR MRI Datasets Using Customized Markov Random Fields
Nagesh K. Subbanna
Deepthi Rajashekar
Bastian Cheng
Götz Thomalla
Jens Fiehler
Nils D. Forkert
Robust and reliable stroke lesion segmentation is a crucial step toward employing lesion volume as an independent endpoint for randomized tr… (see more)ials. The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate a novel method to segment sub-acute ischemic stroke lesions from fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets. After preprocessing of the datasets, a Bayesian technique based on Gabor textures extracted from the FLAIR signal intensities is utilized to generate a first estimate of the lesion segmentation. Using this initial segmentation, a customized voxel-level Markov random field model based on intensity as well as Gabor texture features is employed to refine the stroke lesion segmentation. The proposed method was developed and evaluated based on 151 multi-center datasets from three different databases using a leave-one-patient-out validation approach. The comparison of the automatically segmented stroke lesions with manual ground truth segmentation revealed an average Dice coefficient of 0.582, which is in the upper range of previously presented lesion segmentation methods using multi-modal MRI datasets. Furthermore, the results obtained by the proposed technique are superior compared to the results obtained by two methods based on convolutional neural networks and three phase level-sets, respectively, which performed best in the ISLES 2015 challenge using multi-modal imaging datasets. The results of the quantitative evaluation suggest that the proposed method leads to robust lesion segmentation results using FLAIR MRI datasets only as a follow-up sequence.
Prediction of Progression in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Adrian Tousignant
Paul Lemaitre
Douglas Arnold
We present the first automatic end-to-end deep learning framework for the prediction of future patient disability progression (one year from… (see more) baseline) based on multi-modal brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The model uses parallel convolutional pathways, an idea introduced by the popular Inception net and is trained and tested on two large proprietary, multi-scanner, multi-center, clinical trial datasets of patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). Experiments on 465 patients on the placebo arms of the trials indicate that the model can accurately predict future disease progression, measured by a sustained increase in the extended disability status scale (EDSS) score over time. Using only the multi-modal MRI provided at baseline, the model achieves an AUC of 0.66 +- 0.055. However, when supplemental lesion label masks are provided as inputs as well, the AUC increases to 0.701 +- 0.027. Furthermore, we demonstrate that uncertainty estimates based on Monte Carlo dropout sample variance correlate with errors made by the model. Clinicians provided with the predictions computed by the model can therefore use the associated uncertainty estimates to assess which scans require further examination.
Author Correction: Why rankings of biomedical image analysis competitions should be interpreted with care
Lena Maier-Hein
Matthias Eisenmann
Annika Reinke
Sinan Onogur
Marko Stankovic
Patrick Scholz
Hrvoje Bogunovic
Andrew P. Bradley
Aaron Carass
Carolin Feldmann
Alejandro F. Frangi
Peter M. Full
Bram van Ginneken
Allan Hanbury
Katrin Honauer
Michal Kozubek
Bennett Landman
Keno März
Oskar Maier … (see 18 more)
Klaus Maier-Hein
Bjoern Menze
Henning Müller
Peter F. Neher
Wiro Niessen
Gregory C. Sharp
Korsuk Sirinukunwattana
Stefanie Speidel
Christian Stock
Danail Stoyanov
Abdel Aziz Taha
Fons van der Sommen
Ching-Wei Wang
Marc-André Weber
Guoyan Zheng
Pierre Jannin
Annette Kopp-Schneider
Identifying the Best Machine Learning Algorithms for Brain Tumor Segmentation, Progression Assessment, and Overall Survival Prediction in the BRATS Challenge
Spyridon Bakas
Mauricio Reyes
Andras Jakab
Stefan. Bauer
Markus Rempfler
Alessandro Crimi
Russell T. Shinohara
Christoph Berger
Sung-min Ha
Martin Rozycki
Marcel W. Prastawa
Esther Alberts
Jana Lipková
John Freymann
Justin Kirby
Michel Bilello
Hassan M. Fathallah-Shaykh
Roland Wiest
J. Kirschke
Benedikt Wiestler … (see 31 more)
Rivka R. Colen
Aikaterini Kotrotsou
Pamela LaMontagne
D. Marcus
Mikhail Milchenko
Arash Nazeri
Marc-André Weber
Abhishek Mahajan
Ujjwal Baid
Dongjin Kwon
Manu Agarwal
Mahbubul Alam
Alberto Albiol
A. Albiol
Alex A. Varghese
T. Tuan
Aaron J. Avery
Bobade Pranjal
Subhashis Banerjee
Thomas H. Batchelder
Nematollah Batmanghelich
Enzo Battistella
Martin Bendszus
E. Benson
José Bernal
George Biros
Mariano Cabezas
Siddhartha Chandra
Yi-Ju Chang
et al.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain malignancies, with different degrees of aggressiveness, variable prognosis and various heterogeneo… (see more)us histologic sub-regions, i.e., peritumoral edematous/invaded tissue, necrotic core, active and non-enhancing core. This intrinsic heterogeneity is also portrayed in their radio-phenotype, as their sub-regions are depicted by varying intensity profiles disseminated across multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) scans, reflecting varying biological properties. Their heterogeneous shape, extent, and location are some of the factors that make these tumors difficult to resect, and in some cases inoperable. The amount of resected tumoris a factor also considered in longitudinal scans, when evaluating the apparent tumor for potential diagnosis of progression. Furthermore, there is mounting evidence that accurate segmentation of the various tumor sub-regions can offer the basis for quantitative image analysis towards prediction of patient overall survival. This study assesses thestate-of-the-art machine learning (ML) methods used for brain tumor image analysis in mpMRI scans, during the last seven instances of the International Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) challenge, i.e., 2012-2018. Specifically, we focus on i) evaluating segmentations of the various glioma sub-regions in pre-operative mpMRI scans, ii) assessing potential tumor progression by virtue of longitudinal growth of tumor sub-regions, beyond use of the RECIST/RANO criteria, and iii) predicting the overall survival from pre-operative mpMRI scans of patients that underwent gross tota lresection. Finally, we investigate the challenge of identifying the best ML algorithms for each of these tasks, considering that apart from being diverse on each instance of the challenge, the multi-institutional mpMRI BraTS dataset has also been a continuously evolving/growing dataset.
Exploring Uncertainty Measures in Deep Networks for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection and Segmentation
Tanya Nair
Douglas Arnold
CNN Prediction of Future Disease Activity for Multiple Sclerosis Patients from Baseline MRI and Lesion Labels
Nazanin Mohammadi Sepahvand
Tal Hassner
Douglas Arnold
3D U-Net for Brain Tumour Segmentation
Raghav Mehta
How to Exploit Weaknesses in Biomedical Challenge Design and Organization
Annika Reinke
Matthias Eisenmann
Sinan Onogur
Marko Stankovic
Patrick Scholz
Peter M. Full
Hrvoje Bogunovic
Bennett Landman
Oskar Maier
Bjoern Menze
Gregory C. Sharp
Korsuk Sirinukunwattana
Stefanie Speidel
F. V. D. Sommen
Guoyan Zheng
Henning Müller
Michal Kozubek
Andrew P. Bradley
Pierre Jannin … (see 2 more)
Annette Kopp-Schneider
Lena Maier-Hein
RS-Net: Regression-Segmentation 3D CNN for Synthesis of Full Resolution Missing Brain MRI in the Presence of Tumours
Raghav Mehta
Structured deep Fisher pruning for efficient facial trait classification
Qing Tian
James J. Clark
Fisher Pruning of Deep Nets for Facial Trait Classification
Qing Tian
James J. Clark
Although deep nets have resulted in high accuracies for various visual tasks, their computational and space requirements are prohibitively h… (see more)igh for inclusion on devices without high-end GPUs. In this paper, we introduce a neuron/filter level pruning framework based on Fisher's LDA which leads to high accuracies for a wide array of facial trait classification tasks, while significantly reducing space/computational complexities. The approach is general and can be applied to convolutional, fully-connected, and module-based deep structures, in all cases leveraging the high decorrelation of neuron activations found in the pre-decision layer and cross-layer deconv dependency. Experimental results on binary and multi-category facial traits from the LFWA and Adience datasets illustrate the framework's comparable/better performance to state-of-the-art pruning approaches and compact structures (e.g. SqueezeNet, MobileNet). Ours successfully maintains comparable accuracies even after discarding most parameters (98%-99% for VGG-16, 82% for GoogLeNet) and with significant FLOP reductions (83% for VGG-16, 64% for GoogLeNet).
Task-specific Deep LDA pruning of neural networks
Qing Tian
James J. Clark
With deep learning's success, a limited number of popular deep nets have been widely adopted for various vision tasks. However, this usually… (see more) results in unnecessarily high complexities and possibly many features of low task utility. In this paper, we address this problem by introducing a task-dependent deep pruning framework based on Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The approach can be applied to convolutional, fully-connected, and module-based deep network structures, in all cases leveraging the high decorrelation of neuron motifs found in the pre-decision layer and cross-layer deconv dependency. Moreover, we examine our approach's potential in network architecture search for specific tasks and analyze the influence of our pruning on model robustness to noises and adversarial attacks. Experimental results on datasets of generic objects, as well as domain specific tasks (CIFAR100, Adience, and LFWA) illustrate our framework's superior performance over state-of-the-art pruning approaches and fixed compact nets (e.g. SqueezeNet, MobileNet). The proposed method successfully maintains comparable accuracies even after discarding most parameters (98%-99% for VGG16, up to 82% for the already compact InceptionNet) and with significant FLOP reductions (83% for VGG16, up to 64% for InceptionNet). Through pruning, we can also derive smaller, but more accurate and more robust models suitable for the task.