Marc-Antoine Dilhac
Marc-Antoine Dilhac (PhD, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) is a professor of ethics and political philosophy at Université de Montréal and an associate academic member of Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. He currently holds a CIFAR Chair in AI Ethics (2019–2024), and was previously Canada Research Chair in Public Ethics and Political Theory (2014–2019).
Dilhac specializes in theories of democracy and social justice, as well as in questions of applied ethics. His current research focuses on the ethical and social impacts of AI and issues of governance and institutional design, with a particular emphasis on how new technologies are changing public relations and political structures.
In 2017, Dilhac instigated the co-construction process for the Montréal Declaration for a Responsible Development of AI and chaired its scientific committee. In 2020, as Director of Algora Lab, he led an international deliberation process as part of UNESCO’s consultations on its Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
In 2019, he founded Algora Lab, an interdisciplinary laboratory that works to advance research on the ethics of AI and develop a deliberative approach to the governance of AI and digital technologies.
He is co-director of deliberation at the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technologies (OBVIA), contributes to the OECD Policy Observatory as a member of its expert network, and sits on Canada’s AI Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence and co-chairs its Working Group on Public Awareness.