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Arna Ghosh

PhD - McGill University


Synaptic Weight Distributions Depend on the Geometry of Plasticity
Roman Pogodin
Jonathan Cornford
Arna Ghosh
A growing literature in computational neuroscience leverages gradient descent and learning algorithms that approximate it to study synaptic … (see more)plasticity in the brain. However, the vast majority of this work ignores a critical underlying assumption: the choice of distance for synaptic changes - i.e. the geometry of synaptic plasticity. Gradient descent assumes that the distance is Euclidean, but many other distances are possible, and there is no reason that biology necessarily uses Euclidean geometry. Here, using the theoretical tools provided by mirror descent, we show that the distribution of synaptic weights will depend on the geometry of synaptic plasticity. We use these results to show that experimentally-observed log-normal weight distributions found in several brain areas are not consistent with standard gradient descent (i.e. a Euclidean geometry), but rather with non-Euclidean distances. Finally, we show that it should be possible to experimentally test for different synaptic geometries by comparing synaptic weight distributions before and after learning. Overall, our work shows that the current paradigm in theoretical work on synaptic plasticity that assumes Euclidean synaptic geometry may be misguided and that it should be possible to experimentally determine the true geometry of synaptic plasticity in the brain.
Addressing Sample Inefficiency in Multi-View Representation Learning
Kumar Krishna Agrawal
Arna Ghosh
On the Information Geometry of Vision Transformers
Sonia Joseph
Kumar Krishna Agrawal
Arna Ghosh
On the Varied Faces of Overparameterization in Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning
Matteo Gamba
Arna Ghosh
Kumar Krishna Agrawal
Hossein Azizpour
Mårten Björkman
The quality of the representations learned by neural networks depends on several factors, including the loss function, learning algorithm, a… (see more)nd model architecture. In this work, we use information geometric measures to assess the representation quality in a principled manner. We demonstrate that the sensitivity of learned representations to input perturbations, measured by the spectral norm of the feature Jacobian, provides valuable information about downstream generalization. On the other hand, measuring the coefficient of spectral decay observed in the eigenspectrum of feature covariance provides insights into the global representation geometry. First, we empirically establish an equivalence between these notions of representation quality and show that they are inversely correlated. Second, our analysis reveals the varying roles that overparameterization plays in improving generalization. Unlike supervised learning, we observe that increasing model width leads to higher discriminability and less smoothness in the self-supervised regime. Furthermore, we report that there is no observable double descent phenomenon in SSL with non-contrastive objectives for commonly used parameterization regimes, which opens up new opportunities for tight asymptotic analysis. Taken together, our results provide a loss-aware characterization of the different role of overparameterization in supervised and self-supervised learning.
The feature landscape of visual cortex
Rudi Tong
Ronan da Silva
Dongyan Lin
Arna Ghosh
James Wilsenach
Erica Cianfarano
Stuart Trenholm
Understanding computations in the visual system requires a characterization of the distinct feature preferences of neurons in different visu… (see more)al cortical areas. However, we know little about how feature preferences of neurons within a given area relate to that area’s role within the global organization of visual cortex. To address this, we recorded from thousands of neurons across six visual cortical areas in mouse and leveraged generative AI methods combined with closed-loop neuronal recordings to identify each neuron’s visual feature preference. First, we discovered that the mouse’s visual system is globally organized to encode features in a manner invariant to the types of image transformations induced by self-motion. Second, we found differences in the visual feature preferences of each area and that these differences generalized across animals. Finally, we observed that a given area’s collection of preferred stimuli (‘own-stimuli’) drive neurons from the same area more effectively through their dynamic range compared to preferred stimuli from other areas (‘other-stimuli’). As a result, feature preferences of neurons within an area are organized to maximally encode differences among own-stimuli while remaining insensitive to differences among other-stimuli. These results reveal how visual areas work together to efficiently encode information about the external world.
Learning better with Dale’s Law: A Spectral Perspective
Pingsheng Li
Jonathan Cornford
Arna Ghosh
How gradient estimator variance and bias impact learning in neural networks
Arna Ghosh
Yuhan Helena Liu
Konrad Paul Kording
There is growing interest in understanding how real brains may approximate gradients and how gradients can be used to train neuromorphic chi… (see more)ps. However, neither real brains nor neuromorphic chips can perfectly follow the loss gradient, so parameter updates would necessarily use gradient estimators that have some variance and/or bias. Therefore, there is a need to understand better how variance and bias in gradient estimators impact learning dependent on network and task properties. Here, we show that variance and bias can impair learning on the training data, but some degree of variance and bias in a gradient estimator can be beneficial for generalization. We find that the ideal amount of variance and bias in a gradient estimator are dependent on several properties of the network and task: the size and activity sparsity of the network, the norm of the gradient, and the curvature of the loss landscape. As such, whether considering biologically-plausible learning algorithms or algorithms for training neuromorphic chips, researchers can analyze these properties to determine whether their approximation to gradient descent will be effective for learning given their network and task properties.
Arna Ghosh
Yuhan Helena Liu
Konrad K¨ording
There is growing interest in understanding how real brains may approximate gradients and how gradients can be used to train neuromorphic chi… (see more)ps. However, neither real brains nor neuromorphic chips can perfectly follow the loss gradient, so parameter updates would necessarily use gradient estimators that have some variance and/or bias. Therefore, there is a need to understand better how variance and bias in gradient estimators impact learning dependent on network and task properties. Here, we show that variance and bias can impair learning on the training data, but some degree of variance and bias in a gradient estimator can be beneficial for generalization. We find that the ideal amount of variance and bias in a gradient estimator are dependent on several properties of the network and task: the size and activity sparsity of the network, the norm of the gradient, and the curvature of the loss landscape. As such, whether considering biologically-plausible learning algorithms or algorithms for training neuromorphic chips, researchers can analyze these properties to determine whether their approximation to gradient descent will be effective for learning given their network and task properties.
Current State and Future Directions for Learning in Biological Recurrent Neural Networks: A Perspective Piece
Luke Y. Prince
Roy Henha Eyono
Ellen Boven
Arna Ghosh
Joseph Pemberton
Franz Scherr
Claudia Clopath
Rui Ponte Costa
Wolfgang Maass
Cristina Savin
Katharina Wilmes
We provide a brief review of the common assumptions about biological learning with findings from experimental neuroscience and contrast them… (see more) with the efficiency of gradient-based learning in recurrent neural networks. The key issues discussed in this review include: synaptic plasticity, neural circuits, theory-experiment divide, and objective functions. We conclude with recommendations for both theoretical and experimental neuroscientists when designing new studies that could help bring clarity to these issues.
$\alpha$-ReQ : Assessing Representation Quality in Self-Supervised Learning by measuring eigenspectrum decay
Kumar Krishna Agrawal
Arnab Kumar Mondal
Arna Ghosh
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) with large-scale unlabelled datasets enables learning useful representations for multiple downstream tasks. H… (see more)owever, assessing the quality of such representations efficiently poses nontrivial challenges. Existing approaches train linear probes (with frozen features) to evaluate performance on a given task. This is expensive both computationally, since it requires retraining a new prediction head for each downstream task, and statistically, requires task-specific labels for multiple tasks. This poses a natural question, how do we efficiently determine the "goodness" of representations learned with SSL across a wide range of potential downstream tasks? In particular, a task-agnostic statistical measure of representation quality, that predicts generalization without explicit downstream task evaluation, would be highly desirable. In this work, we analyze characteristics of learned representations
Beyond accuracy: generalization properties of bio-plausible temporal credit assignment rules
Yuhan Helena Liu
Arna Ghosh
Eric Todd SheaBrown
On the Varied Faces of Overparameterization in Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning
Matteo Gamba
Arna Ghosh
Kumar Krishna
Blake A. Richards
Hossein Azizpour
Mårten Björkman
The quality of the representations learned by neural networks depends on several factors, including the loss function, learning algorithm, a… (see more)nd model architecture. In this work, we use information geometric measures to assess the representation quality in a principled manner. We demonstrate that the sensitivity of learned representations to input perturbations, measured by the spectral norm of the feature Jacobian, provides valuable information about downstream generalization. On the other hand, measuring the coefficient of spectral decay observed in the eigen-spectrum of feature covariance provides insights into the global representation geometry. First, we empirically establish an equivalence between these notions of representation quality and show that they are inversely correlated. Second, our analysis reveals the varying roles that overparameterization plays in improving generalization. Unlike supervised learning, we observe that increasing model width leads to higher discriminability and less smoothness in the self-supervised regime. Furthermore, we report that there is no observable double descent phenomenon in SSL with non-contrastive objectives for commonly used parameterization regimes, which opens up new opportunities for tight asymptotic analysis. Taken together, our results provide a loss-aware characterization of the different role of overparam-eterization in supervised and self-supervised learning.