
How well do models of visual cortex generalize to out of distribution samples?
Yifei Ren
On shallow planning under partial observability
Randy Lefebvre
On the Costs and Benefits of Adopting Lifelong Learning for Software Analytics -- Empirical Study on Brown Build and Risk Prediction
Doriane Olewicki
Sarra Habchi
Mathieu Nayrolles
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Sarath Chandar
Bram Adams
Nowadays, software analytics tools using machine learning (ML) models to, for example, predict the risk of a code change are well establishe… (see more)d. However, as the goals of a project shift over time, and developers and their habits change, the performance of said models tends to degrade (drift) over time. Current retraining practices typically require retraining a new model from scratch on a large updated dataset when performance decay is observed, thus incurring a computational cost; also there is no continuity between the models as the past model is discarded and ignored during the new model training. Even though the literature has taken interest in online learning approaches, those have rarely been integrated and evaluated in industrial environments. This paper evaluates the use of lifelong learning (LL) for industrial use cases at Ubisoft, evaluating both the performance and the required computational effort in comparison to the retraining-from-scratch approaches commonly used by the industry. LL is used to continuously build and maintain ML-based software analytics tools using an incremental learner that progressively updates the old model using new data. To avoid so-called"catastrophic forgetting"of important older data points, we adopt a replay buffer of older data, which still allows us to drastically reduce the size of the overall training dataset, and hence model training time.
Towards a General GNN Framework for Combinatorial Optimization
Frederik Wenkel
Semih Cantürk
Michael Perlmutter
Guy Wolf
GraphAny: A Foundation Model for Node Classification on Any Graph
Jianan Zhao
Hesham Mostafa
Mikhail Galkin
Michael Bronstein
Zhaocheng Zhu
Does learning the right latent variables necessarily improve in-context learning?
Sarthak Mittal
Eric Elmoznino
L'eo Gagnon
Sangnie Bhardwaj
Large autoregressive models like Transformers can solve tasks through in-context learning (ICL) without learning new weights, suggesting ave… (see more)nues for efficiently solving new tasks. For many tasks, e.g., linear regression, the data factorizes: examples are independent given a task latent that generates the data, e.g., linear coefficients. While an optimal predictor leverages this factorization by inferring task latents, it is unclear if Transformers implicitly do so or if they instead exploit heuristics and statistical shortcuts enabled by attention layers. Both scenarios have inspired active ongoing work. In this paper, we systematically investigate the effect of explicitly inferring task latents. We minimally modify the Transformer architecture with a bottleneck designed to prevent shortcuts in favor of more structured solutions, and then compare performance against standard Transformers across various ICL tasks. Contrary to intuition and some recent works, we find little discernible difference between the two; biasing towards task-relevant latent variables does not lead to better out-of-distribution performance, in general. Curiously, we find that while the bottleneck effectively learns to extract latent task variables from context, downstream processing struggles to utilize them for robust prediction. Our study highlights the intrinsic limitations of Transformers in achieving structured ICL solutions that generalize, and shows that while inferring the right latents aids interpretability, it is not sufficient to alleviate this problem.
Forward-Backward Knowledge Distillation for Continual Clustering
Mohammadreza Sadeghi
Zihan Wang
Unsupervised Continual Learning (UCL) is a burgeoning field in machine learning, focusing on enabling neural networks to sequentially learn … (see more)tasks without explicit label information. Catastrophic Forgetting (CF), where models forget previously learned tasks upon learning new ones, poses a significant challenge in continual learning, especially in UCL, where labeled information of data is not accessible. CF mitigation strategies, such as knowledge distillation and replay buffers, often face memory inefficiency and privacy issues. Although current research in UCL has endeavored to refine data representations and address CF in streaming data contexts, there is a noticeable lack of algorithms specifically designed for unsupervised clustering. To fill this gap, in this paper, we introduce the concept of Unsupervised Continual Clustering (UCC). We propose Forward-Backward Knowledge Distillation for unsupervised Continual Clustering (FBCC) to counteract CF within the context of UCC. FBCC employs a single continual learner (the ``teacher'') with a cluster projector, along with multiple student models, to address the CF issue. The proposed method consists of two phases: Forward Knowledge Distillation, where the teacher learns new clusters while retaining knowledge from previous tasks with guidance from specialized student models, and Backward Knowledge Distillation, where a student model mimics the teacher's behavior to retain task-specific knowledge, aiding the teacher in subsequent tasks. FBCC marks a pioneering approach to UCC, demonstrating enhanced performance and memory efficiency in clustering across various tasks, outperforming the application of clustering algorithms to the latent space of state-of-the-art UCL algorithms.
Mitigating Disparate Impact of Differential Privacy in Federated Learning through Robust Clustering
Saber Malekmohammadi
Afaf Taïk
Federated Learning (FL) is a decentralized machine learning (ML) approach that keeps data localized and often incorporates Differential Priv… (see more)acy (DP) to enhance privacy guarantees. Similar to previous work on DP in ML, we observed that differentially private federated learning (DPFL) introduces performance disparities, particularly affecting minority groups. Recent work has attempted to address performance fairness in vanilla FL through clustering, but this method remains sensitive and prone to errors, which are further exacerbated by the DP noise in DPFL. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose a novel clustered DPFL algorithm designed to effectively identify clients' clusters in highly heterogeneous settings while maintaining high accuracy with DP guarantees. To this end, we propose to cluster clients based on both their model updates and training loss values. Our proposed approach also addresses the server's uncertainties in clustering clients' model updates by employing larger batch sizes along with Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to alleviate the impact of noise and potential clustering errors, especially in privacy-sensitive scenarios. We provide theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of our proposed approach. We also extensively evaluate our approach across diverse data distributions and privacy budgets and show its effectiveness in mitigating the disparate impact of DP in FL settings with a small computational cost.
On the Limits of Multi-modal Meta-Learning with Auxiliary Task Modulation Using Conditional Batch Normalization
Jordi Armengol-Estap'e
Vincent Michalski
Ramnath Kumar
Pierre-Luc St-Charles
Few-shot learning aims to learn representations that can tackle novel tasks given a small number of examples. Recent studies show that cross… (see more)-modal learning can improve representations for few-shot classification. More specifically, language is a rich modality that can be used to guide visual learning. In this work, we experiment with a multi-modal architecture for few-shot learning that consists of three components: a classifier, an auxiliary network, and a bridge network. While the classifier performs the main classification task, the auxiliary network learns to predict language representations from the same input, and the bridge network transforms high-level features of the auxiliary network into modulation parameters for layers of the few-shot classifier using conditional batch normalization. The bridge should encourage a form of lightweight semantic alignment between language and vision which could be useful for the classifier. However, after evaluating the proposed approach on two popular few-shot classification benchmarks we find that a) the improvements do not reproduce across benchmarks, and b) when they do, the improvements are due to the additional compute and parameters introduced by the bridge network. We contribute insights and recommendations for future work in multi-modal meta-learning, especially when using language representations.
Arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal tree seedling growth is inhibited by competition from neighboring roots and associated fungal hyphae
V. Parasquive
Jacques Brisson
P. L. Chagnon
Learning diverse attacks on large language models for robust red-teaming and safety tuning
Seanie Lee
Minsu Kim
Lynn Cherif
David Dobre
Juho Lee
Sung Ju Hwang
Kenji Kawaguchi
Nikolay Malkin
Moksh J. Jain
Red-teaming, or identifying prompts that elicit harmful responses, is a critical step in ensuring the safe and responsible deployment of lar… (see more)ge language models (LLMs). Developing effective protection against many modes of attack prompts requires discovering diverse attacks. Automated red-teaming typically uses reinforcement learning to fine-tune an attacker language model to generate prompts that elicit undesirable responses from a target LLM, as measured, for example, by an auxiliary toxicity classifier. We show that even with explicit regularization to favor novelty and diversity, existing approaches suffer from mode collapse or fail to generate effective attacks. As a flexible and probabilistically principled alternative, we propose to use GFlowNet fine-tuning, followed by a secondary smoothing phase, to train the attacker model to generate diverse and effective attack prompts. We find that the attacks generated by our method are effective against a wide range of target LLMs, both with and without safety tuning, and transfer well between target LLMs. Finally, we demonstrate that models safety-tuned using a dataset of red-teaming prompts generated by our method are robust to attacks from other RL-based red-teaming approaches.
MODL: Multilearner Online Deep Learning
Antonios Valkanas
Boris Oreshkin
Online deep learning solves the problem of learning from streams of data, reconciling two opposing objectives: learn fast and learn deep. Ex… (see more)isting work focuses almost exclusively on exploring pure deep learning solutions, which are much better suited to handle the"deep"than the"fast"part of the online learning equation. In our work, we propose a different paradigm, based on a hybrid multilearner approach. First, we develop a fast online logistic regression learner. This learner does not rely on backpropagation. Instead, it uses closed form recursive updates of model parameters, handling the fast learning part of the online learning problem. We then analyze the existing online deep learning theory and show that the widespread ODL approach, currently operating at complexity