
Imaging of Neck Nodes in Head and Neck Cancers – a Comprehensive Update
K. Bhattacharya
A. Mahajan
R. Vaish
S. Rane
S. Shukla
A.K. D'Cruz
Memory-Efficient FPGA Implementation of Stochastic Simulated Annealing
Duckgyu Shin
Naoya Onizawa
Takahiro Hanyu
Simulated annealing (SA) is a well-known algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems. However, the computation time of SA incr… (see more)eases rapidly, as the size of the problem grows. Recently, a stochastic simulated annealing (SSA) algorithm that converges faster than conventional SA has been reported. In this paper, we present a hardware-aware SSA (HA-SSA) algorithm for memory-efficient FPGA implementations. HA-SSA can reduce the memory usage of storing intermediate results while maintaining the computing speed of SSA. For evaluation purposes, the proposed algorithm is compared with the conventional SSA and SA approaches on maximum cut combinatorial optimization problems. HA-SSA achieves a convergence speed that is up to 114-times faster than that of the conventional SA algorithm depending on the maximum cut problem selected from the G-set which is a dataset of the maximum cut problems. HA-SSA is implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) (Xilinx Kintex-7), and it achieves up to 6-times the memory efficiency of conventional SSA while maintaining high solution quality for optimization problems.
A Probabilistic Framework for Mutation Testing in Deep Neural Networks
Florian Tambon
Giuliano Antoniol
Processing of social and monetary rewards in autism spectrum disorders
Sarah Baumeister
Carolin Moessnang
Nico Bast
Sarah Hohmann
Pascal Aggensteiner
Anna Kaiser
Julian Tillmann
David Goyard
Tony Charman
Sara Ambrosino
Simon Baron-Cohen
Christian Beckmann
Sven Bölte
Thomas Bourgeron
Annika Rausch
Daisy Crawley
Flavio Dell’Acqua
Sarah Durston
Christine Ecker … (see 21 more)
Dorothea L. Floris
Vincent Frouin
Hannah Hayward
Rosemary Holt
Mark Johnson
Emily J. H. Jones
Meng-Chuan Lai
Michael V. Lombardo
Luke Mason
Beth Oakley
Marianne Oldehinkel
Antonio Persico
Antonia San José Cáceres
Thomas Wolfers
Eva Loth
Declan Murphy
Jan K. Buitelaar
Heike Tost
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Tobias Banaschewski
Daniel Brandeis
Background Reward processing has been proposed to underpin the atypical social feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, previous … (see more)neuroimaging studies have yielded inconsistent results regarding the specificity of atypicalities for social reward processing in ASD. Aims Utilising a large sample, we aimed to assess reward processing in response to reward type (social, monetary) and reward phase (anticipation, delivery) in ASD. Method Functional magnetic resonance imaging during social and monetary reward anticipation and delivery was performed in 212 individuals with ASD (7.6–30.6 years of age) and 181 typically developing participants (7.6–30.8 years of age). Results Across social and monetary reward anticipation, whole-brain analyses showed hypoactivation of the right ventral striatum in participants with ASD compared with typically developing participants. Further, region of interest analysis across both reward types yielded ASD-related hypoactivation in both the left and right ventral striatum. Across delivery of social and monetary reward, hyperactivation of the ventral striatum in individuals with ASD did not survive correction for multiple comparisons. Dimensional analyses of autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) scores were not significant. In categorical analyses, post hoc comparisons showed that ASD effects were most pronounced in participants with ASD without co-occurring ADHD. Conclusions Our results do not support current theories linking atypical social interaction in ASD to specific alterations in social reward processing. Instead, they point towards a generalised hypoactivity of ventral striatum in ASD during anticipation of both social and monetary rewards. We suggest this indicates attenuated reward seeking in ASD independent of social content and that elevated ADHD symptoms may attenuate altered reward seeking in ASD.
Real-time simulation of viscoelastic tissue behavior with physics-guided deep learning
Mohammad Karami
David Rivest‐henault
Scalable Regret for Learning to Control Network-Coupled Subsystems With Unknown Dynamics
Sagar Sudhakara
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
In this article, we consider the problem of controlling an unknown linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) system consisting of multiple subsystems … (see more)connected over a network. Our goal is to minimize and quantify the regret (i.e., loss in performance) of our learning and control strategy with respect to an oracle who knows the system model. Upfront viewing the interconnected subsystems globally and directly using existing LQG learning algorithms for the global system results in a regret that increases super-linearly with the number of subsystems. Instead, we propose a new Thompson sampling-based learning algorithm which exploits the structure of the underlying network. We show that the expected regret of the proposed algorithm is bounded by
Use of Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces in Pediatric Neurosurgery: Technical and Ethical Considerations
David Bergeron
Christian Iorio-Morin
Nathalie Orr Gaucher
Éric Racine
Alexander G. Weil
Differentially Private Release of Heterogeneous Network for Managing Healthcare Data
Rashid Hussain Khokhar
Farkhund Iqbal
Khalil Al-Hussaeni
Mohammed Hussain
With the increasing adoption of digital health platforms through mobile apps and online services, people have greater flexibility connecting… (see more) with medical practitioners, pharmacists, and laboratories and accessing resources to manage their own health-related concerns. Many healthcare institutions are connecting with each other to facilitate the exchange of healthcare data, with the goal of effective healthcare data management. The contents generated over these platforms are often shared with third parties for a variety of purposes. However, sharing healthcare data comes with the potential risk of exposing patients’ sensitive information to privacy threats. In this article, we address the challenge of sharing healthcare data while protecting patients’ privacy. We first model a complex healthcare dataset using a heterogeneous information network that consists of multi-type entities and their relationships. We then propose DiffHetNet, an edge-based differentially private algorithm, to protect the sensitive links of patients from inbound and outbound attacks in the heterogeneous health network. We evaluate the performance of our proposed method in terms of information utility and efficiency on different types of real-life datasets that can be modeled as networks. Experimental results suggest that DiffHetNet generally yields less information loss and is significantly more efficient in terms of runtime in comparison with existing network anonymization methods. Furthermore, DiffHetNet is scalable to large network datasets.
A case–control study on predicting population risk of suicide using health administrative data: a research protocol
JianLi Wang
Fatemeh Gholi Zadeh Kharrat
Jean-François Pelletier
Louis Rochette
Eric Pelletier
Pascale Lévesque
Victoria Massamba
Camille Brousseau-Paradis
Mada Mohammed
Geneviève Gariépy
Alain Lesage
DisKeyword: Tweet Corpora Exploration for Keyword Selection
Sacha Lévy
Homotopic local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from resting-state functional connectivity
Xiaoxuan Yan
Ru Kong
Aihuiping Xue
Qing Yang
Csaba Orban
Lijun An
Avram J. Holmes
Xing Qian
Jianzhong Chen
Xi-Nian Zuo
Juan Helen Zhou
Marielle V Fortier
Ai Peng Tan
Peter Gluckman
Yap Seng Chong
Michael J Meaney
Simon B. Eickhoff
B.T. Thomas Yeo
Commonality in Recommender Systems: Evaluating Recommender Systems to Enhance Cultural Citizenship
Andres Ferraro
Gustavo Ferreira
Georgina Born