
A machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search
De-You Liu
Defeng Liu
Vincent Perreault
Alain Hertz
This paper presents a methodology for integrating machine learning techniques into metaheuristics for solving combinatorial optimization pro… (see more)blems. Namely, we propose a general machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search. We first define an efficient neighborhood structure constructed by applying a transformation to a selected subset of variables from the current solution. Then, the key of the proposed methodology is to generate promising neighbors by selecting a proper subset of variables that contains a descent of the objective in the solution space. To learn a good variable selection strategy, we formulate the problem as a classification task that exploits structural information from the characteristics of the problem and from high-quality solutions. We validate our methodology on two metaheuristic applications: a Tabu Search scheme for solving a Wireless Network Optimization problem and a Large Neighborhood Search heuristic for solving Mixed-Integer Programs. The experimental results show that our approach is able to achieve a satisfactory trade-offs between the exploration of a larger solution space and the exploitation of high-quality solution regions on both applications.
Offline Reinforcement Learning with On-Policy Q-Function Regularization
Laixi Shi
Robert Dadashi
Yuejie Chi
Matthieu Geist
The core challenge of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is dealing with the (potentially catastrophic) extrapolation error induced by the … (see more)distribution shift between the history dataset and the desired policy. A large portion of prior work tackles this challenge by implicitly/explicitly regularizing the learning policy towards the behavior policy, which is hard to estimate reliably in practice. In this work, we propose to regularize towards the Q-function of the behavior policy instead of the behavior policy itself, under the premise that the Q-function can be estimated more reliably and easily by a SARSA-style estimate and handles the extrapolation error more straightforwardly. We propose two algorithms taking advantage of the estimated Q-function through regularizations, and demonstrate they exhibit strong performance on the D4RL benchmarks.
Parameter-space ReSTIR for Differentiable and Inverse Rendering
Wesley Chang
Venkataram Sivaram
Toshiya Hachisuka
Ravi Ramamoorthi
Tzu-Mao Li
Differentiable rendering is frequently used in gradient descent-based inverse rendering pipelines to solve for scene parameters – such as … (see more)reflectance or lighting properties – from target image inputs. Efficient computation of accurate, low variance gradients is critical for rapid convergence. While many methods employ variance reduction strategies, they operate independently on each gradient descent iteration, requiring large sample counts and computation. Gradients may however vary slowly between iterations, leading to unexplored potential benefits when reusing sample information to exploit this coherence. We develop an algorithm to reuse Monte Carlo gradient samples between gradient iterations, motivated by reservoir-based temporal importance resampling in forward rendering. Direct application of this method is not feasible, as we are computing many derivative estimates (i.e., one per optimization parameter) instead of a single pixel intensity estimate; moreover, each of these gradient estimates can affect multiple pixels, and gradients can take on negative values. We address these challenges by reformulating differential rendering integrals in parameter space, developing a new resampling estimator that treats negative functions, and combining these ideas into a reuse algorithm for inverse texture optimization. We significantly reduce gradient error compared to baselines, and demonstrate faster inverse rendering convergence in settings involving complex direct lighting and material textures.
Discovering the Electron Beam Induced Transition Rates for Silicon Dopants in Graphene with Deep Neural Networks in the STEM
Kevin M Roccapriore
Max Schwarzer
Joshua Greaves
Jesse Farebrother
Rishabh Agarwal
Colton Bishop
Maxim Ziatdinov
Igor Mordatch
Ekin Dogus Cubuk
Sergei V Kalinin
CARTIER: Cartographic lAnguage Reasoning Targeted at Instruction Execution for Robots
Nikhil Kakodkar
Dmitriy Rivkin
Bobak H. Baghi
Francois Hogan
Acceleration in Policy Optimization
Veronica Chelu
Tom Zahavy
Arthur Guez
Sebastian Flennerhag
We work towards a unifying paradigm for accelerating policy optimization methods in reinforcement learning (RL) through predictive and adapt… (see more)ive directions of (functional) policy ascent. Leveraging the connection between policy iteration and policy gradient methods, we view policy optimization algorithms as iteratively solving a sequence of surrogate objectives, local lower bounds on the original objective. We define optimism as predictive modelling of the future behavior of a policy, and hindsight adaptation as taking immediate and anticipatory corrective actions to mitigate accumulating errors from overshooting predictions or delayed responses to change. We use this shared lens to jointly express other well-known algorithms, including model-based policy improvement based on forward search, and optimistic meta-learning algorithms. We show connections with Anderson acceleration, Nesterov's accelerated gradient, extra-gradient methods, and linear extrapolation in the update rule. We analyze properties of the formulation, design an optimistic policy gradient algorithm, adaptive via meta-gradient learning, and empirically highlight several design choices pertaining to acceleration, in an illustrative task.
Approximate information state based convergence analysis of recurrent Q-learning
Erfan SeyedSalehi
Nima Akbarzadeh
Amit Sinha
In spite of the large literature on reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), a co… (see more)mplete theoretical understanding is still lacking. In a partially observable setting, the history of data available to the agent increases over time so most practical algorithms either truncate the history to a finite window or compress it using a recurrent neural network leading to an agent state that is non-Markovian. In this paper, it is shown that in spite of the lack of the Markov property, recurrent Q-learning (RQL) converges in the tabular setting. Moreover, it is shown that the quality of the converged limit depends on the quality of the representation which is quantified in terms of what is known as an approximate information state (AIS). Based on this characterization of the approximation error, a variant of RQL with AIS losses is presented. This variant performs better than a strong baseline for RQL that does not use AIS losses. It is demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between the performance of RQL over time and the loss associated with the AIS representation.
Intelligent Software Maintenance
Mohammad Masudur Rahman
Antoine Barbez
Pluvio: Assembly Clone Search for Out-of-domain Architectures and Libraries through Transfer Learning and Conditional Variational Information Bottleneck
Zhiwei Fu
Steven H. H. Ding
Furkan Alaca
Philippe Charland
The practice of code reuse is crucial in software development for a faster and more efficient development lifecycle. In reality, however, co… (see more)de reuse practices lack proper control, resulting in issues such as vulnerability propagation and intellectual property infringements. Assembly clone search, a critical shift-right defence mechanism, has been effective in identifying vulnerable code resulting from reuse in released executables. Recent studies on assembly clone search demonstrate a trend towards using machine learning-based methods to match assembly code variants produced by different toolchains. However, these methods are limited to what they learn from a small number of toolchain variants used in training, rendering them inapplicable to unseen architectures and their corresponding compilation toolchain variants. This paper presents the first study on the problem of assembly clone search with unseen architectures and libraries. We propose incorporating human common knowledge through large-scale pre-trained natural language models, in the form of transfer learning, into current learning-based approaches for assembly clone search. Transfer learning can aid in addressing the limitations of the existing approaches, as it can bring in broader knowledge from human experts in assembly code. We further address the sequence limit issue by proposing a reinforcement learning agent to remove unnecessary and redundant tokens. Coupled with a new Variational Information Bottleneck learning strategy, the proposed system minimizes the reliance on potential indicators of architectures and optimization settings, for a better generalization of unseen architectures. We simulate the unseen architecture clone search scenarios and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach against the state-of-the-art solutions.
On the Convergence of Bounded Agents
David Abel
Andre Barreto
Hado Philip van Hasselt
Benjamin Van Roy
Satinder Singh
When has an agent converged? Standard models of the reinforcement learning problem give rise to a straightforward definition of convergence:… (see more) An agent converges when its behavior or performance in each environment state stops changing. However, as we shift the focus of our learning problem from the environment's state to the agent's state, the concept of an agent's convergence becomes significantly less clear. In this paper, we propose two complementary accounts of agent convergence in a framing of the reinforcement learning problem that centers around bounded agents. The first view says that a bounded agent has converged when the minimal number of states needed to describe the agent's future behavior cannot decrease. The second view says that a bounded agent has converged just when the agent's performance only changes if the agent's internal state changes. We establish basic properties of these two definitions, show that they accommodate typical views of convergence in standard settings, and prove several facts about their nature and relationship. We take these perspectives, definitions, and analysis to bring clarity to a central idea of the field.
Efficient 1D Grouped Convolution for PyTorch a Case Study: Fast On-Device Fine-Tuning for SqueezeBERT
Seyyed Hasan Mozafari
James J. Clark
Brett Meyer
Grouped convolution has been observed to be an effective approximation for convolution in many DNN applications. For example, SqueezeBERT, w… (see more)hich is a light and fast BERT language processing model, utilizes 1D grouped convolutions. Though SqueezeBERT is well-optimized for inference on edge devices, it suffers from poor memory management during fine-tuning (training). This results in longer fine-tuning time on resource-limited GPUs compared to the original BERT model, BERT-base, despite being specifically designed for edge devices. We study this behavior and show that this poor memory management originates from the use of 1D grouped convolutions in SqueezeBERT. We re-implement 1D grouped convolutions using fully-connected layers, addressing the poor memory allocation and data locality of 1D grouped convolutions. We show that our method is well-suited for edge devices with limited memory; further, it has a negligible effect on inference speed. When utilizing our method, we observe a 42 % reduction in fine-tuning time for SqueezeBERT on edge devices.
Neural networks with optimized single-neuron adaptation uncover biologically plausible regularization
Victor Geadah
Stefan Horoi
Giancarlo Kerg
Neurons in the brain have rich and adaptive input-output properties. Features such as heterogeneous f-I curves and spike frequency adaptatio… (see more)n are known to place single neurons in optimal coding regimes when facing changing stimuli. Yet, it is still unclear how brain circuits exploit single-neuron flexibility, and how network-level requirements may have shaped such cellular function. To answer this question, a multi-scaled approach is needed where the computations of single neurons and neural circuits must be considered as a complete system. In this work, we use artificial neural networks to systematically investigate single-neuron input-output adaptive mechanisms, optimized in an end-to-end fashion. Throughout the optimization process, each neuron has the liberty to modify its nonlinear activation function, parametrized to mimic f-I curves of biological neurons, and to learn adaptation strategies to modify activation functions in real-time during a task. We find that such networks show much-improved robustness to noise and changes in input statistics. Importantly, we find that this procedure recovers precise coding strategies found in biological neurons, such as gain scaling and fractional order differentiation/integration. Using tools from dynamical systems theory, we analyze the role of these emergent single-neuron properties and argue that neural diversity and adaptation play an active regularization role, enabling neural circuits to optimally propagate information across time.