
A Reduction from Reinforcement Learning to No-Regret Online Learning
Ching-An Cheng
Remi Tachet des Combes
Byron Boots
We present a reduction from reinforcement learning (RL) to no-regret online learning based on the saddle-point formulation of RL, by which "… (see more)any" online algorithm with sublinear regret can generate policies with provable performance guarantees. This new perspective decouples the RL problem into two parts: regret minimization and function approximation. The first part admits a standard online-learning analysis, and the second part can be quantified independently of the learning algorithm. Therefore, the proposed reduction can be used as a tool to systematically design new RL algorithms. We demonstrate this idea by devising a simple RL algorithm based on mirror descent and the generative-model oracle. For any
Stochastic Neural Network with Kronecker Flow
Chin-Wei Huang
Ahmed Touati
Alexandre Lacoste
Recent advances in variational inference enable the modelling of highly structured joint distributions, but are limited in their capacity to… (see more) scale to the high-dimensional setting of stochastic neural networks. This limitation motivates a need for scalable parameterizations of the noise generation process, in a manner that adequately captures the dependencies among the various parameters. In this work, we address this need and present the Kronecker Flow, a generalization of the Kronecker product to invertible mappings designed for stochastic neural networks. We apply our method to variational Bayesian neural networks on predictive tasks, PAC-Bayes generalization bound estimation, and approximate Thompson sampling in contextual bandits. In all setups, our methods prove to be competitive with existing methods and better than the baselines.
Value Preserving State-Action Abstractions
David Abel
Nathan Umbanhowar
Dilip Arumugam
Michael L. Littman
Abstraction can improve the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning. However, the process of abstraction inherently discards information… (see more), potentially compromising an agent’s ability to represent high-value policies. To mitigate this, we here introduce combinations of state abstractions and options that are guaranteed to preserve the representation of near-optimal policies. We first define φ-relative options, a general formalism for analyzing the value loss of options paired with a state abstraction, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for φ-relative options to preserve near-optimal behavior in any finite Markov Decision Process. We further show that, under appropriate assumptions, φ-relative options can be composed to induce hierarchical abstractions that are also guaranteed to represent high-value policies.ion can improve the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning. However, the process of abstraction inherently discards information, potentially compromising an agent’s ability to represent high-value policies. To mitigate this, we here introduce combinations of state abstractions and options that are guaranteed to preserve the representation of near-optimal policies. We first define φ-relative options, a general formalism for analyzing the value loss of options paired with a state abstraction, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for φ-relative options to preserve near-optimal behavior in any finite Markov Decision Process. We further show that, under appropriate assumptions, φ-relative options can be composed to induce hierarchical abstractions that are also guaranteed to represent high-value policies.
Value Preserving State-Action Abstractions
David Abel
Nathan Umbanhowar
Dilip Arumugam
Michael L. Littman
Abstraction can improve the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning. However, the process of abstraction inherently discards information… (see more), potentially compromising an agent’s ability to represent high-value policies. To mitigate this, we here introduce combinations of state abstractions and options that are guaranteed to preserve the representation of near-optimal policies. We first define φ-relative options, a general formalism for analyzing the value loss of options paired with a state abstraction, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for φ-relative options to preserve near-optimal behavior in any finite Markov Decision Process. We further show that, under appropriate assumptions, φ-relative options can be composed to induce hierarchical abstractions that are also guaranteed to represent high-value policies.ion can improve the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning. However, the process of abstraction inherently discards information, potentially compromising an agent’s ability to represent high-value policies. To mitigate this, we here introduce combinations of state abstractions and options that are guaranteed to preserve the representation of near-optimal policies. We first define φ-relative options, a general formalism for analyzing the value loss of options paired with a state abstraction, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for φ-relative options to preserve near-optimal behavior in any finite Markov Decision Process. We further show that, under appropriate assumptions, φ-relative options can be composed to induce hierarchical abstractions that are also guaranteed to represent high-value policies.
Restless bandits: indexability and computation of Whittle index
Nima Akbarzadeh
Restless bandits are a class of sequential resource allocation problems concerned with allocating one or more resources among several altern… (see more)ative processes where the evolution of the process depends on the resource allocated to them. Such models capture the fundamental trade-offs between exploration and exploitation. In 1988, Whittle developed an index heuristic for restless bandit problems which has emerged as a popular solution approach due to its simplicity and strong empirical performance. The Whittle index heuristic is applicable if the model satisfies a technical condition known as indexability. In this paper, we present two general sufficient conditions for indexability and identify simpler to verify refinements of these conditions. We then present a general algorithm to compute Whittle index for indexable restless bandits. Finally, we present a detailed numerical study which affirms the strong performance of the Whittle index heuristic.
GIANT: Scalable Creation of a Web-scale Ontology
Weidong Guo
Di Niu
Jinwen Luo
Chaoyue Wang
Zhen Wen
Yu Xu
Current works and future directions on application of machine learning in primary care
Vera Granikov
Pierre Pluye
In this short paper, we explained current machine learning works in primary care based on a scoping review that we performed. The performed … (see more)review was in line with the methodological framework proposed by Colquhoun and colleagues. Lastly, we discussed our observations and gave important directions to the future studies in this fast-growing area.
Failure to follow medication changes made at hospital discharge is associated with adverse events in 30 days
Daniala L Weir
Aude Motulsky
Michal Abrahamowicz
Todd C. Lee
Steven Morgan
Robyn Tamblyn
Evaluating White Matter Lesion Segmentations with Refined Sørensen-Dice Analysis
Aaron Carass
Snehashis Roy
Adrian Gherman
Jacob C. Reinhold
Andrew Jesson
Oskar Maier
Heinz Handels
Mohsen Ghafoorian
Bram Platel
Ariel Birenbaum
Hayit Greenspan
Dzung L. Pham
Ciprian M. Crainiceanu
Peter A. Calabresi
Jerry L. Prince
William R. Gray Roncal
Russell T. Shinohara
Ipek Oguz
An Analysis of the Adaptation Speed of Causal Models
Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh
We consider the problem of discovering the causal process that generated a collection of datasets. We assume that all these datasets were ge… (see more)nerated by unknown sparse interventions on a structural causal model (SCM)
COVI White Paper
Hannah Alsdurf
Tristan Deleu
Prateek Gupta
Daphne Ippolito
Richard Janda
Max Jarvie
Tyler J. Kolody
Sekoul Krastev
Robert Obryk
Dan Pilat
Valerie Pisano
Benjamin Prud'homme
Meng Qu
Nasim Rahaman
Jean-franois Rousseau
abhinav sharma
Brooke Struck … (see 3 more)
Martin Weiss
Yun William Yu
Story Forest
Fred X. Han
Di Niu
Linglong Kong
Kunfeng Lai
Yu Xu
Extracting events accurately from vast news corpora and organize events logically is critical for news apps and search engines, which aim to… (see more) organize news information collected from the Internet and present it to users in the most sensible forms. Intuitively speaking, an event is a group of news documents that report the same news incident possibly in different ways. In this article, we describe our experience of implementing a news content organization system at Tencent to discover events from vast streams of breaking news and to evolve news story structures in an online fashion. Our real-world system faces unique challenges in contrast to previous studies on topic detection and tracking (TDT) and event timeline or graph generation, in that we (1) need to accurately and quickly extract distinguishable events from massive streams of long text documents, and (2) must develop the structures of event stories in an online manner, in order to guarantee a consistent user viewing experience. In solving these challenges, we propose Story Forest, a set of online schemes that automatically clusters streaming documents into events, while connecting related events in growing trees to tell evolving stories. A core novelty of our Story Forest system is EventX, a semi-supervised scheme to extract events from massive Internet news corpora. EventX relies on a two-layered, graph-based clustering procedure to group documents into fine-grained events. We conducted extensive evaluations based on (1) 60 GB of real-world Chinese news data, (2) a large Chinese Internet news dataset that contains 11,748 news articles with truth event labels, and (3) the 20 News Groups English dataset, through detailed pilot user experience studies. The results demonstrate the superior capabilities of Story Forest to accurately identify events and organize news text into a logical structure that is appealing to human readers.