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Florian Golemo

Postdoctorate - McGill University


CtRL-Sim: Reactive and Controllable Driving Agents with Offline Reinforcement Learning
Luke Rowe
Roger Girgis
Anthony Gosselin
Bruno Carrez
Florian Golemo
Felix Heide
Evaluating autonomous vehicle stacks (AVs) in simulation typically involves replaying driving logs from real-world recorded traffic. However… (see more), agents replayed from offline data do not react to the actions of the AV, and their behaviour cannot be easily controlled to simulate counterfactual scenarios. Existing approaches have attempted to address these shortcomings by proposing methods that rely on heuristics or learned generative models of real-world data but these approaches either lack realism or necessitate costly iterative sampling procedures to control the generated behaviours. In this work, we take an alternative approach and propose CtRL-Sim, a method that leverages return-conditioned offline reinforcement learning within a physics-enhanced Nocturne simulator to efficiently generate reactive and controllable traffic agents. Specifically, we process real-world driving data through the Nocturne simulator to generate a diverse offline reinforcement learning dataset, annotated with various reward terms. With this dataset, we train a return-conditioned multi-agent behaviour model that allows for fine-grained manipulation of agent behaviours by modifying the desired returns for the various reward components. This capability enables the generation of a wide range of driving behaviours beyond the scope of the initial dataset, including those representing adversarial behaviours. We demonstrate that CtRL-Sim can efficiently generate diverse and realistic safety-critical scenarios while providing fine-grained control over agent behaviours. Further, we show that fine-tuning our model on simulated safety-critical scenarios generated by our model enhances this controllability.
GrowSpace: A reinforcement learning environment for plant architecture
Yasmeen Hitti
Ionelia Buzatu
Manuel Del Verme
Mark Lefsrud
Florian Golemo
Visual Question Answering From Another Perspective: CLEVR Mental Rotation Tests
Christopher Beckham
Martin Weiss
Florian Golemo
Sina Honari
Towards Learning to Imitate from a Single Video Demonstration
Florian Golemo
Agents that can learn to imitate given video observation -- \emph{without direct access to state or action information} are more applicable … (see more)to learning in the natural world. However, formulating a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that facilitates this goal remains a significant challenge. We approach this challenge using contrastive training to learn a reward function comparing an agent's behaviour with a single demonstration. We use a Siamese recurrent neural network architecture to learn rewards in space and time between motion clips while training an RL policy to minimize this distance. Through experimentation, we also find that the inclusion of multi-task data and additional image encoding losses improve the temporal consistency of the learned rewards and, as a result, significantly improves policy learning. We demonstrate our approach on simulated humanoid, dog, and raptor agents in 2D and a quadruped and a humanoid in 3D. We show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques in these environments and can learn to imitate from a single video demonstration.
Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
Klaus Greff
Francois Belletti
Lucas Beyer
Carl Doersch
Yilun Du
Daniel Duckworth
David J Fleet
Dan Gnanapragasam
Florian Golemo
Charles Herrmann
Thomas Kipf
Abhijit Kundu
Dmitry Lagun
Issam Hadj Laradji
Hsueh-Ti Liu
Henning Meyer
Yishu Miao
Cengiz Oztireli
Etienne Pot … (see 14 more)
Noha Radwan
Daniel Rebain
Sara Sabour
Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi
Matan Sela
Vincent Sitzmann
Austin Stone
Deqing Sun
Suhani Vora
Ziyu Wang
Tianhao Wu
Kwang Moo Yi
Fangcheng Zhong
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Data is the driving force of machine learning, with the amount and quality of training data often being more important for the performance o… (see more)f a system than architecture and training details. But collecting, processing and annotating real data at scale is difficult, expensive, and frequently raises additional privacy, fairness and legal concerns. Synthetic data is a powerful tool with the potential to address these shortcomings: 1) it is cheap 2) supports rich ground-truth annotations 3) offers full control over data and 4) can circumvent or mitigate problems regarding bias, privacy and licensing. Unfortunately, software tools for effective data generation are less mature than those for architecture design and training, which leads to fragmented generation efforts. To address these problems we introduce Kubric, an open-source Python framework that interfaces with PyBullet and Blender to generate photo-realistic scenes, with rich annotations, and seamlessly scales to large jobs distributed over thousands of machines, and generating TBs of data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Kubric by presenting a series of 13 different generated datasets for tasks ranging from studying 3D NeRF models to optical flow estimation. We release Kubric, the used assets, all of the generation code, as well as the rendered datasets for reuse and modification.
Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
Klaus Greff
Francois Belletti
Lucas Beyer
Carl Doersch
Yilun Du
Daniel Duckworth
David J. Fleet
Dan Gnanapragasam
Florian Golemo
Charles Herrmann
Thomas N. Kipf
Abhijit Kundu
Dmitry Lagun
Issam Hadj Laradji
Hsueh-Ti Liu
H. Meyer
Yishu Miao
Cengiz Oztireli
Etienne Pot … (see 14 more)
Noha Radwan
Daniel Rebain
Sara Sabour
Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi
Matan Sela
Vincent Sitzmann
Austin Stone
Deqing Sun
Suhani Vora
Ziyu Wang
Tianhao Wu
Kwang Moo Yi
Fangcheng Zhong
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Data is the driving force of machine learning, with the amount and quality of training data often being more important for the performance o… (see more)f a system than architecture and training details. But collecting, processing and annotating real data at scale is difficult, expensive, and frequently raises additional privacy, fairness and legal concerns. Synthetic data is a powerful tool with the potential to address these shortcomings: 1) it is cheap 2) supports rich ground-truth annotations 3) offers full control over data and 4) can circumvent or mitigate problems regarding bias, privacy and licensing. Unfortunately, software tools for effective data generation are less mature than those for architecture design and training, which leads to fragmented generation efforts. To address these problems we introduce Kubric, an open-source Python framework that interfaces with PyBullet and Blender to generate photo-realistic scenes, with rich annotations, and seamlessly scales to large jobs distributed over thousands of machines, and generating TBs of data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Kubric by presenting a series of 13 different generated datasets for tasks ranging from studying 3D NeRF models to optical flow estimation. We release Kubric, the used assets, all of the generation code, as well as the rendered datasets for reuse and modification.
GrowSpace: Learning How to Shape Plants
Yasmeen Hitti
Ionelia Buzatu
Manuel Del Verme
Mark Lefsrud
Florian Golemo
Plants are dynamic systems that are integral to our existence and survival. Plants face environment changes and adapt over time to their sur… (see more)rounding conditions. We argue that plant responses to an environmental stimulus are a good example of a real-world problem that can be approached within a reinforcement learning (RL)framework. With the objective of controlling a plant by moving the light source, we propose GrowSpace, as a new RL benchmark. The back-end of the simulator is implemented using the Space Colonisation Algorithm, a plant growing model based on competition for space. Compared to video game RL environments, this simulator addresses a real-world problem and serves as a test bed to visualize plant growth and movement in a faster way than physical experiments. GrowSpace is composed of a suite of challenges that tackle several problems such as control, multi-stage learning,fairness and multi-objective learning. We provide agent baselines alongside case studies to demonstrate the difficulty of the proposed benchmark.
Sequoia: A Software Framework to Unify Continual Learning Research
Fabrice Normandin
Florian Golemo
Oleksiy Ostapenko
Pau Rodriguez
Matthew D Riemer
J. Hurtado
Lucas Cecchi
Dominic Zhao
Ryan Lindeborg
Timothee LESORT
David Vazquez
Massimo Caccia
The field of Continual Learning (CL) seeks to develop algorithms that accumulate knowledge and skills over time through interaction with non… (see more)-stationary environments. In practice, a plethora of evaluation procedures (settings) and algorithmic solutions (methods) exist, each with their own potentially disjoint set of assumptions. This variety makes measuring progress in CL difficult. We propose a taxonomy of settings, where each setting is described as a set of assumptions. A tree-shaped hierarchy emerges from this view, where more general settings become the parents of those with more restrictive assumptions. This makes it possible to use inheritance to share and reuse research, as developing a method for a given setting also makes it directly applicable onto any of its children. We instantiate this idea as a publicly available software framework called Sequoia, which features a wide variety of settings from both the Continual Supervised Learning (CSL) and Continual Reinforcement Learning (CRL) domains. Sequoia also includes a growing suite of methods which are easy to extend and customize, in addition to more specialized methods from external libraries. We hope that this new paradigm and its first implementation can help unify and accelerate research in CL. You can help us grow the tree by visiting (this GitHub URL).