Mila > Team > Courtney Paquette

Courtney Paquette

Associate Academic Member
Associate Academic Member
Assistant Professor, McGill University, Google Brain, Canada CIFAR AI Chair

Courtney Paquette is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Statistics department at McGill University and a Research Scientist at Google Brain.

She received her Ph.D. from the Mathematics department at the University of Washington (2017) under Prof. Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy then she held a postdoctoral position in the Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh University where she worked with Prof. Katya Scheinberg. She held an NSF postdoctoral fellowship (2018-2019) under Prof. Stephen Vavasis in the Combinatorics and Optimization Department at the University of Waterloo.

Her research broadly focuses on designing and analyzing algorithms for large-scale optimization problems, motivated by applications in data science.



Dynamics of Stochastic Momentum Methods on Large-scale, Quadratic Models
Courtney Paquette and Elliot Paquette


SGD in the Large: Average-case Analysis, Asymptotics, and Stepsize Criticality
Courtney Paquette, Kiwon Lee, Fabian Pedregosa and Elliot Paquette


The nonsmooth landscape of phase retrieval
Damek Davis, Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy and Courtney Paquette
Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis

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