Over $100,000 in donations raised at TechAide 2023

A speaker in front of a full house during Mila's Techaide event

The 2023 edition of TechAide –which aims to raise funds within the Montreal technology community for the common good–- brought together hundreds of participants at Mila on April 14, 2023. The event raised $100,848.48, which will be donated to Centraide du Grand Montréal to support its mission to fight poverty and social exclusion.

Leading experts in artificial intelligence, including Samy Bengio (Apple), Doina Precup (McGill, Mila) and Dumitru Erhan (Google), came to the stage at Mila’s Agora to talk about their field of research. The speakers covered topics such as musical creativity and machine learning, the use of AI in oncology, and the latest scientific advances in the field.

On the sponsorship side, Google, DeepMind, Ubisoft and Ivado each contributed $5,000 to the TechAide fundraiser. Montréal International and ServiceNow each contributed $500.

A warm thank you to the organizing committee that made this event possible: Sasha Luccioni (Hugging Face), Sarath Chandar (Mila), Hugo Larochelle (Google, Mila), Nadine Khairallah (Mila), Laurence Montmarquette (Mila).

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this charity day, and see you next year!