Mila welcomes 20 new researchers to its faculty members

These researchers from all over the world will enrich the wide-ranging expertise of Mila’s AI research team.

Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, is proud to announce the arrival of addition of 20 new researchers to its team. These researchers, who come from internationally recognized institutions and a variety of research backgrounds, will broaden the range of skills of Mila’s teaching staff. Six of the researchers have been assigned to Mila’s team, while the other 14 are associate members. They will occupy their new positions until the end of 2019.

“The arrival of these many renowned researchers is great news for Mila, of course, and also for Montreal, which is consolidating its worldwide reputation as a centre for research in machine learning,” said Yoshua Bengio, Mila’s founder and Scientific Director. “In a field where competition for the best talent is intense, the decision of these researchers to work with Mila is proof of our leadership in basic and applied research.”

“Montreal has succeeded in creating a dynamic AI ecosystem, and the arrival of these new professors at Mila confirms the appeal and reputation of the global hub for scientific advancement which we are building,” said Valérie Pisano, Mila’s President and CEO. “These high-calibre researchers help attract the best students, the most talented professionals and major investments, thereby helping to advance AI research and its practical applications, particularly through collaboration with start-ups in the sector.”

Core academic members (click on the names to consult the biographical notes of the researchers)

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York

Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania

McGill University

University of Edinburg, Scotland

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

University Affiliation Origin
Irina Rish Université de Montréal AI Foundations Group
Prakash Panangaden McGill University McGill University
Siamak Ravanbakhsh McGill University University of British Columbia
Pierre-Luc Bacon Université de Montréal Stanford University, California
Siva Reddy McGill University Stanford NLP Group, California
Sarath Chandar Polytechnique Montréal  Université de Montréal

 Core Industrial Members

Microsoft Research, Cambridge

University or professional Affiliation Origin
Fernando Diaz Microsoft UMass Amherst, Massachusetts
Danny Tarlow Google; McGill University University of Toronto

Associate Academic Members

Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Université Paris IV

University of British Columbia

Rice University, Texas

Yale University, Connecticut

University or professional Affiliation Origin
Danilo Bzdok McGill University WTH Aachen University, Germany
Marc-Antoine Dilhac Université de Montréal  Université de Montréal
Audrey Durand Université Laval Université Laval, Québec
Christian Gagné Université Laval Université Laval, Québec
Pascal Germain Université Laval Inria, France
Karim Jerbi Université de Montréal  Université de Montréal
François Laviolette Université Laval Université Laval, Québec
Yue Li McGill University Massachusetts Institute of Technology
AJung Moon McGill University McGill University
Derek Ruths McGill University McGill University
Guy Wolf McGill University Université de Montréal
Frank Wood University of British Columbia University of British Columbia

About Mila

Founded in 1993 by Professor Yoshua Bengio of the Université de Montréal, Mila brings together researchers specialized in the field of deep and reinforcement learning. Recognized worldwide for its major contributions to deep learning, Mila has especially distinguished itself in the areas of language modelling, machine translation, object recognition and generative models. Since 2017, Mila has been a collaboration between the Université de Montréal and McGill University, with close ties to Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal. 

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Media relations: Vincent Martineau

Head, Communications and Media Relations

514 914-5757