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Dongyan Lin

PhD - McGill University


Temporal encoding in deep reinforcement learning agents
Dongyan Lin
Ann Zixiang Huang
The feature landscape of visual cortex
Rudi Tong
Ronan da Silva
Dongyan Lin
Arna Ghosh
James Wilsenach
Erica Cianfarano
Stuart Trenholm
Understanding computations in the visual system requires a characterization of the distinct feature preferences of neurons in different visu… (see more)al cortical areas. However, we know little about how feature preferences of neurons within a given area relate to that area’s role within the global organization of visual cortex. To address this, we recorded from thousands of neurons across six visual cortical areas in mouse and leveraged generative AI methods combined with closed-loop neuronal recordings to identify each neuron’s visual feature preference. First, we discovered that the mouse’s visual system is globally organized to encode features in a manner invariant to the types of image transformations induced by self-motion. Second, we found differences in the visual feature preferences of each area and that these differences generalized across animals. Finally, we observed that a given area’s collection of preferred stimuli (‘own-stimuli’) drive neurons from the same area more effectively through their dynamic range compared to preferred stimuli from other areas (‘other-stimuli’). As a result, feature preferences of neurons within an area are organized to maximally encode differences among own-stimuli while remaining insensitive to differences among other-stimuli. These results reveal how visual areas work together to efficiently encode information about the external world.