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Dimitrios Sinodinos

PhD - McGill University


Deep Reinforcement Learning in Human Activity Recognition: A Survey and Outlook.
Bahareh Nikpour
Dimitrios Sinodinos
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a popular research field in computer vision that has already been widely studied. However, it is still a… (see more)n active research field since it plays an important role in many current and emerging real-world intelligent systems, like visual surveillance and human-computer interaction. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has recently been used to address the activity recognition problem with various purposes, such as finding attention in video data or obtaining the best network structure. DRL-based HAR has only been around for a short time, and it is a challenging, novel field of study. Therefore, to facilitate further research in this area, we have constructed a comprehensive survey on activity recognition methods that incorporate DRL. Throughout the article, we classify these methods according to their shared objectives and delve into how they are ingeniously framed within the DRL framework. As we navigate through the survey, we conclude by shedding light on the prominent challenges and lingering questions that await the attention of future researchers, paving the way for further advancements and breakthroughs in this exciting domain.
EMA-Net: Efficient Multitask Affinity Learning for Dense Scene Predictions
Dimitrios Sinodinos