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Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau

Independent visiting researcher - Samsung SAIT


PopulAtion Parameter Averaging (PAPA)
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
Emy Gervais
Yan Zhang
MCVD: Masked Conditional Video Diffusion for Prediction, Generation, and Interpolation
Vikram Voleti
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
Video prediction is a challenging task. The quality of video frames from current state-of-the-art (SOTA) generative models tends to be poor … (see more)and generalization beyond the training data is difficult. Furthermore, existing prediction frameworks are typically not capable of simultaneously handling other video-related tasks such as unconditional generation or interpolation. In this work, we devise a general-purpose framework called Masked Conditional Video Diffusion (MCVD) for all of these video synthesis tasks using a probabilistic conditional score-based denoising diffusion model, conditioned on past and/or future frames. We train the model in a manner where we randomly and independently mask all the past frames or all the future frames. This novel but straightforward setup allows us to train a single model that is capable of executing a broad range of video tasks, specifically: future/past prediction -- when only future/past frames are masked; unconditional generation -- when both past and future frames are masked; and interpolation -- when neither past nor future frames are masked. Our experiments show that this approach can generate high-quality frames for diverse types of videos. Our MCVD models are built from simple non-recurrent 2D-convolutional architectures, conditioning on blocks of frames and generating blocks of frames. We generate videos of arbitrary lengths autoregressively in a block-wise manner. Our approach yields SOTA results across standard video prediction and interpolation benchmarks, with computation times for training models measured in 1-12 days using
Gotta Go Fast When Generating Data with Score-Based Models
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
Ke Li
Rémi Piché-Taillefer
Tal Kachman
Score-based (denoising diffusion) generative models have recently gained a lot of success in generating realistic and diverse data. These ap… (see more)proaches define a forward diffusion process for transforming data to noise and generate data by reversing it (thereby going from noise to data). Unfortunately, current score-based models generate data very slowly due to the sheer number of score network evaluations required by numerical SDE solvers. In this work, we aim to accelerate this process by devising a more efficient SDE solver. Existing approaches rely on the Euler-Maruyama (EM) solver, which uses a fixed step size. We found that naively replacing it with other SDE solvers fares poorly - they either result in low-quality samples or become slower than EM. To get around this issue, we carefully devise an SDE solver with adaptive step sizes tailored to score-based generative models piece by piece. Our solver requires only two score function evaluations, rarely rejects samples, and leads to high-quality samples. Our approach generates data 2 to 10 times faster than EM while achieving better or equal sample quality. For high-resolution images, our method leads to significantly higher quality samples than all other methods tested. Our SDE solver has the benefit of requiring no step size tuning.
Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
Rémi Piché-Taillefer
Remi Tachet des Combes
Denoising Score Matching with Annealed Langevin Sampling (DSM-ALS) has recently found success in generative modeling. The approach works by … (see more)first training a neural network to estimate the score of a distribution, and then using Langevin dynamics to sample from the data distribution assumed by the score network. Despite the convincing visual quality of samples, this method appears to perform worse than Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) under the Fréchet Inception Distance, a standard metric for generative models. We show that this apparent gap vanishes when denoising the final Langevin samples using the score network. In addition, we propose two improvements to DSM-ALS: 1) Consistent Annealed Sampling as a more stable alternative to Annealed Langevin Sampling, and 2) a hybrid training formulation, composed of both Denoising Score Matching and adversarial objectives. By combining these two techniques and exploring different network architectures, we elevate score matching methods and obtain results competitive with state-of-the-art image generation on CIFAR-10.
Stochastic Hamiltonian Gradient Methods for Smooth Games
Nicolas Loizou
Hugo Berard
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
The success of adversarial formulations in machine learning has brought renewed motivation for smooth games. In this work, we focus on the c… (see more)lass of stochastic Hamiltonian methods and provide the first convergence guarantees for certain classes of stochastic smooth games. We propose a novel unbiased estimator for the stochastic Hamiltonian gradient descent (SHGD) and highlight its benefits. Using tools from the optimization literature we show that SHGD converges linearly to the neighbourhood of a stationary point. To guarantee convergence to the exact solution, we analyze SHGD with a decreasing step-size and we also present the first stochastic variance reduced Hamiltonian method. Our results provide the first global non-asymptotic last-iterate convergence guarantees for the class of stochastic unconstrained bilinear games and for the more general class of stochastic games that satisfy a "sufficiently bilinear" condition, notably including some non-convex non-concave problems. We supplement our analysis with experiments on stochastic bilinear and sufficiently bilinear games, where our theory is shown to be tight, and on simple adversarial machine learning formulations.