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Alexandre Adam

PhD - Université de Montréal


On diffusion models for amortized inference: Benchmarking and improving stochastic control and sampling
Marcin Sendera
Minsu Kim
Sarthak Mittal
Pablo Lemos
Luca Scimeca
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Alexandre Adam
Nikolay Malkin
We study the problem of training diffusion models to sample from a distribution with a given unnormalized density or energy function. We ben… (see more)chmark several diffusion-structured inference methods, including simulation-based variational approaches and off-policy methods (continuous generative flow networks). Our results shed light on the relative advantages of existing algorithms while bringing into question some claims from past work. We also propose a novel exploration strategy for off-policy methods, based on local search in the target space with the use of a replay buffer, and show that it improves the quality of samples on a variety of target distributions. Our code for the sampling methods and benchmarks studied is made public at https://github.com/GFNOrg/gfn-diffusion as a base for future work on diffusion models for amortized inference.
Bayesian Imaging for Radio Interferometry with Score-Based Priors
No'e Dia
M. J. Yantovski-Barth
Alexandre Adam
Micah Bowles
Pablo Lemos
A. Scaife
U. Montŕeal
Ciela Institute
Flatiron Institute
Echoes in the Noise: Posterior Samples of Faint Galaxy Surface Brightness Profiles with Score-Based Likelihoods and Priors
Alexandre Adam
Connor Stone
Connor Bottrell
Ronan Legin
Examining the detailed structure of galaxy populations provides valuable insights into their formation and evolution mechanisms. Significant… (see more) barriers to such analysis are the non-trivial noise properties of real astronomical images and the point spread function (PSF) which blurs structure. Here we present a framework which combines recent advances in score-based likelihood characterization and diffusion model priors to perform a Bayesian analysis of image deconvolution. The method, when applied to minimally processed \emph{Hubble Space Telescope} (\emph{HST}) data, recovers structures which have otherwise only become visible in next-generation \emph{James Webb Space Telescope} (\emph{JWST}) imaging.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Galaxy Clusters: Recurrent Inference Deconvolution of X-ray Spectra
C. Rhea
Julie Hlavacek-larrondo
Ralph P. Kraft
Ákos Bogdán
Alexandre Adam
The search for the lost attractor
Mario Pasquato
Syphax Haddad
Pierfrancesco Di Cintio
Alexandre Adam
Pablo Lemos
No'e Dia
Mircea Petrache
Ugo Niccolo Di Carlo
Alessandro A. Trani
Score-Based Likelihood Characterization for Inverse Problems in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Noise
Ronan Legin
Alexandre Adam
Likelihood analysis is typically limited to normally distributed noise due to the difficulty of determining the probability density function… (see more) of complex, high-dimensional, non-Gaussian, and anisotropic noise. This work presents Score-based LIkelihood Characterization (SLIC), a framework that resolves this issue by building a data-driven noise model using a set of noise realizations from observations. We show that the approach produces unbiased and precise likelihoods even in the presence of highly non-Gaussian correlated and spatially varying noise. We use diffusion generative models to estimate the gradient of the probability density of noise with respect to data elements. In combination with the Jacobian of the physical model of the signal, we use Langevin sampling to produce independent samples from the unbiased likelihood. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method using real data from the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope.
Pixelated Reconstruction of Foreground Density and Background Surface Brightness in Gravitational Lensing Systems Using Recurrent Inference Machines
Alexandre Adam
Max Welling
Modeling strong gravitational lenses in order to quantify distortions in the images of background sources and to reconstruct the mass densit… (see more)y in foreground lenses has been a difficult computational challenge. As the quality of gravitational lens images increases, the task of fully exploiting the information they contain becomes computationally and algorithmically more difficult. In this work, we use a neural network based on the recurrent inference machine to reconstruct simultaneously an undistorted image of the background source and the lens mass density distribution as pixelated maps. The method iteratively reconstructs the model parameters (the image of the source and a pixelated density map) by learning the process of optimizing the likelihood given the data using the physical model (a ray-tracing simulation), regularized by a prior implicitly learned by the neural network through its training data. When compared to more traditional parametric models, the proposed method is significantly more expressive and can reconstruct complex mass distributions, which we demonstrate by using realistic lensing galaxies taken from the IllustrisTNG cosmological hydrodynamic simulation.
Beyond Gaussian Noise: A Generalized Approach to Likelihood Analysis with Non-Gaussian Noise
Ronan Legin
Alexandre Adam