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Reyhane Askari Hemmat

PhD - Université de Montréal


Feedback-guided Data Synthesis for Imbalanced Classification
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Mohammad Pezeshki
Florian Bordes
Michal Drozdzal
Current status quo in machine learning is to use static datasets of real images for training, which often come from long-tailed distribution… (see more)s. With the recent advances in generative models, researchers have started augmenting these static datasets with synthetic data, reporting moderate performance improvements on classification tasks. We hypothesize that these performance gains are limited by the lack of feedback from the classifier to the generative model, which would promote the usefulness of the generated samples to improve the classifier's performance. In this work, we introduce a framework for augmenting static datasets with useful synthetic samples, which leverages one-shot feedback from the classifier to drive the sampling of the generative model. In order for the framework to be effective, we find that the samples must be close to the support of the real data of the task at hand, and be sufficiently diverse. We validate three feedback criteria on a long-tailed dataset (ImageNet-LT) as well as a group-imbalanced dataset (NICO++). On ImageNet-LT, we achieve state-of-the-art results, with over 4 percent improvement on underrepresented classes while being twice efficient in terms of the number of generated synthetic samples. NICO++ also enjoys marked boosts of over 5 percent in worst group accuracy. With these results, our framework paves the path towards effectively leveraging state-of-the-art text-to-image models as data sources that can be queried to improve downstream applications.
LEAD: Min-Max Optimization from a Physical Perspective
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Amartya Mitra
Adversarial formulations have rekindled interest in two-player min-max games. A central obstacle in the optimization of such games is the ro… (see more)tational dynamics that hinder their convergence. In this paper, we show that game optimization shares dynamic properties with particle systems subject to multiple forces, and one can leverage tools from physics to improve optimization dynamics. Inspired by the physical framework, we propose LEAD, an optimizer for min-max games. Next, using Lyapunov stability theory from dynamical systems as well as spectral analysis, we study LEAD’s convergence properties in continuous and discrete time settings for a class of quadratic min-max games to demonstrate linear convergence to the Nash equilibrium. Finally, we empirically evaluate our method on synthetic setups and CIFAR-10 image generation to demonstrate improvements in GAN training.
Negative Momentum for Improved Game Dynamics
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Mohammad Pezeshki
Gabriel Huang
Games generalize the single-objective optimization paradigm by introducing different objective functions for different players. Differentiab… (see more)le games often proceed by simultaneous or alternating gradient updates. In machine learning, games are gaining new importance through formulations like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and actor-critic systems. However, compared to single-objective optimization, game dynamics are more complex and less understood. In this paper, we analyze gradient-based methods with momentum on simple games. We prove that alternating updates are more stable than simultaneous updates. Next, we show both theoretically and empirically that alternating gradient updates with a negative momentum term achieves convergence in a difficult toy adversarial problem, but also on the notoriously difficult to train saturating GANs.
Negative Momentum for Improved Game Dynamics
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Mohammad Pezeshki
Gabriel Huang
Games generalize the single-objective optimization paradigm by introducing different objective functions for different players. Differentiab… (see more)le games often proceed by simultaneous or alternating gradient updates. In machine learning, games are gaining new importance through formulations like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and actor-critic systems. However, compared to single-objective optimization, game dynamics are more complex and less understood. In this paper, we analyze gradient-based methods with momentum on simple games. We prove that alternating updates are more stable than simultaneous updates. Next, we show both theoretically and empirically that alternating gradient updates with a negative momentum term achieves convergence in a difficult toy adversarial problem, but also on the notoriously difficult to train saturating GANs.