
Sex-specific lesion pattern of functional outcomes after stroke
Anna K. Bonkhoff
Martin Bretzner
Sungmin Hong
Markus D. Schirmer
Alexander L. Cohen
Robert W. Regenhardt
Kathleen Donahue
Marco Nardin
Adrian Dalca
Anne-Katrin Giese
Mark R. Etherton
Brandon L. Hancock
Steven J.T. Mocking
Elissa McIntosh
John Richard Attia
Oscar Benavente
S. Bevan
John W. Cole
Amanda Donatti
Christoph Griessenauer … (see 38 more)
Laura Heitsch
Lukas Holmegaard
Katarina Jood
Jordi Jimenez-Conde
Steven Kittner
Robin Lemmens
C. Levi
Caitrin W. McDonough
James Meschia
Chia-Ling Phuah
Arndt Rolfs
Stefan Ropele
Jonathan Rosand
Jaume Roquer
Tatjana Rundek
Ralph L. Sacco
Reinhold Schmidt
Pankaj Sharma
Agnieszka Slowik
Martin Söderholm
Alessandro Sousa
Tara M. Stanne
Daniel Strbian
Turgut Tatlisumak
Vincent Thijs
Achala Vagal
Johan Wasselius
Daniel Woo
Ramin Zand
P. McArdle
Bradford B. Worrall
Christina Jern
Arne G. Lindgren
Jane Maguire
M. Fox
Ona Wu
Natalia S. Rost
Abstract Stroke represents a considerable burden of disease for both men and women. However, a growing body of literature suggests clinicall… (see more)y relevant sex differences in the underlying causes, presentations and outcomes of acute ischaemic stroke. In a recent study, we reported sex divergences in lesion topographies: specific to women, acute stroke severity was linked to lesions in the left-hemispheric posterior circulation. We here determined whether these sex-specific brain manifestations also affect long-term outcomes. We relied on 822 acute ischaemic patients [age: 64.7 (15.0) years, 39% women] originating from the multi-centre MRI-GENIE study to model unfavourable outcomes (modified Rankin Scale >2) based on acute neuroimaging data in a Bayesian hierarchical framework. Lesions encompassing bilateral subcortical nuclei and left-lateralized regions in proximity to the insula explained outcomes across men and women (area under the curve = 0.81). A pattern of left-hemispheric posterior circulation brain regions, combining left hippocampus, precuneus, fusiform and lingual gyrus, occipital pole and latero-occipital cortex, showed a substantially higher relevance in explaining functional outcomes in women compared to men [mean difference of Bayesian posterior distributions (men – women) = −0.295 (90% highest posterior density interval = −0.556 to −0.068)]. Once validated in prospective studies, our findings may motivate a sex-specific approach to clinical stroke management and hold the promise of enhancing outcomes on a population level.
Sex-specific lesion pattern of functional outcomes after stroke
Anna K. Bonkhoff
Martin Bretzner
Sungmin Hong
Markus D. Schirmer
Alexander Cohen
Robert W. Regenhardt
Kathleen Donahue
Marco Nardin
Adrian Dalca
Anne-Katrin Giese
Mark R. Etherton
Brandon L. Hancock
Steven J.T. Mocking
Elissa McIntosh
John Attia
Oscar Benavente
Stephen Bevan
John W. Cole
Amanda Donatti
Christoph Griessenauer … (see 39 more)
Laura Heitsch
Lukas Holmegaard
Katarina Jood
Jordi Jimenez-Conde
Steven Kittner
Robin Lemmens
Christopher Levi
Caitrin W. McDonough
James Meschia
Chia-Ling Phuah
Arndt Rolfs
Stefan Ropele
Jonathan Rosand
Jaume Roquer
Tatjana Rundek
Ralph L. Sacco
Reinhold Schmidt
Pankaj Sharma
Agnieszka Slowik
Martin Soederholm
Alessandro Sousa
Tara M. Stanne
Daniel Strbian
Turgut Tatlisumak
Vincent Thijs
Achala Vagal
Johan Wasselius
Daniel Woo
Ramin Zand
Patrick McArdle
Bradford B. Worrall
Christina Jern
Arne G. Lindgren
Jane Maguire
Michael D. Fox
Ona Wu
Natalia S. Rost
Anna K. Martin Sungmin Markus D. Alexander Robert W. Kathleen L. Marco J. Adrian V. Anne-Katrin Mark R. Brandon L. Steven J. T. Elissa C. John Oscar R. Stephen John W. Amanda Christoph J. Laura Lukas Katarina Jordi Steven J. Robin Christopher R. Caitrin W. James F. Chia-Ling Arndt Stefan Jonathan Jaume Tatjana Ralph L. Reinhold Pankaj Agnieszka Martin Alessandro Tara M. Daniel Turgut Vincent Achala Johan Daniel Ramin Patrick F. Bradford B. Christina Arne G. Jane Michael D. Danilo Ona Natalia S. Bonkhoff
Estimating causal effects with optimization-based methods: A review and empirical comparison
Martin Cousineau
Vedat Verter
S. Murphy
Evaluation of a prenatal screening decision aid: A mixed methods pilot study.
Titilayo Tatiana Agbadje
Mélissa Côté
Andrée-Anne Tremblay
Mariama Penda Diallo
Hélène Elidor
Alex Poulin Herron
Codjo Djignefa Djade
France Légaré
How Do Open Source Software Contributors Perceive and Address Usability?: Valued Factors, Practices, and Challenges
Wenting Wang
Jinghui Cheng
Given the recent changes in the open source software (OSS) landscape, we examined OSS contributors’ current valued factors, practices, and… (see more) challenges concerning usability. Our survey provides insights for OSS practitioners and tool designers to promote a user-centric mindset and improve usability practice in OSS communities.
Inferring global-scale temporal latent topics from news reports to predict public health interventions for COVID-19
Zhi Wen
Guido Powell
Imane Chafi
Y. K. Li
Exploring social inequalities in healthcare trajectories following diagnosis of diabetes: a state sequence analysis of linked survey and administrative data
Rachel Marie Mckay
Laurence Letarte
Alain Gillian Lucie David Manon Catherine Anaïs Benoit A Vanasse Bartlett Blais Buckeridge Choinière Hudon
Alain Vanasse
Gillian M. Bartlett
Lucie Blais
Manon. Choinière
Catherine. Hudon
Anaïs Lacasse
Benoit Lamarche
Alexandre Lebel
Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
Pasquale Roberge
Valérie Émond
Marie-Pascale Pomey
Mike Benigeri
Anne-Marie Cloutier
Marc Dorais
Josiane Courteau … (see 15 more)
Mireille Courteau
Stéphanie Plante
Pierre Cambon
Annie Giguère
Isabelle Nogueira Leroux
Danielle St-Laurent
Denis Roy
Jaime Borja
A. Néron
Geneviève Landry
J. Éthier
Roxanne Dault
Marc-Antoine Côté-Marcil
Pier Tremblay
Sonia Quirion
Exploring social inequalities in healthcare trajectories following diagnosis of diabetes: a state sequence analysis of linked survey and administrative data
Rachel McKay
Laurence Letarte
Alain Gillian Lucie David Manon Catherine Anaïs Benoit A Vanasse Bartlett Blais Buckeridge Choinière Hudon
Alain Gillian Lucie David Manon Catherine Anaïs Benoit Alexandre Amélie Pasquale Valérie Marie-Pascale Mike Anne-Marie Marc Josiane Mireille Stéphanie Pierre Annie Isabelle Danielle Denis Jaime André Geneviève Jean-François Roxanne Marc-Antoine Pier Sonia Vanasse
Alain Vanasse
Gillian Bartlett
Lucie Blais
Manon Choinière
Catherine Hudon
Anaïs Lacasse
Benoit Lamarche
Alexandre Lebel
Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
Pasquale Roberge
Valérie Émond
Marie-Pascale Pomey
Mike Benigeri
Anne-Marie Cloutier
Marc Dorais … (see 16 more)
Josiane Courteau
Mireille Courteau
Stéphanie Plante
Pierre Cambon
Annie Giguère
Isabelle Leroux
Danielle St-Laurent
Denis Roy
Jaime Borja
André Néron
Geneviève Landry
Jean-François Ethier
Roxanne Dault
Marc-Antoine Côté-Marcil
Pier Tremblay
Sonia Quirion
Memory-Aware Functional IR for Higher-Level Synthesis of Accelerators
Christof Schlaak
Tzung-Han Juang
Memory-Aware Functional IR for Higher-Level Synthesis of Accelerators
Christof Schlaak
Tzung-Han Juang
Specialized accelerators deliver orders of a magnitude of higher performance than general-purpose processors. The ever-changing nature of mo… (see more)dern workloads is pushing the adoption of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) as the substrate of choice. However, FPGAs are hard to program directly using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Even modern high-level HDLs, e.g., Spatial and Chisel, still require hardware expertise. This article adopts functional programming concepts to provide a hardware-agnostic higher-level programming abstraction. During synthesis, these abstractions are mechanically lowered into a functional Intermediate Representation (IR) that defines a specific hardware design point. This novel IR expresses different forms of parallelism and standard memory features such as asynchronous off-chip memories or synchronous on-chip buffers. Exposing such features at the IR level is essential for achieving high performance. The viability of this approach is demonstrated on two stencil computations and by exploring the optimization space of matrix-matrix multiplication. Starting from a high-level representation for these algorithms, our compiler produces low-level VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) code automatically. Several design points are evaluated on an Intel Arria 10 FPGA, demonstrating the ability of the IR to exploit different hardware features. This article also shows that the designs produced are competitive with highly tuned OpenCL implementations and outperform hardware-agnostic OpenCL code.
Fortuitous Forgetting in Connectionist Networks
Hattie Zhou
Ankit Vani
Forgetting is often seen as an unwanted characteristic in both human and machine learning. However, we propose that forgetting can in fact b… (see more)e favorable to learning. We introduce"forget-and-relearn"as a powerful paradigm for shaping the learning trajectories of artificial neural networks. In this process, the forgetting step selectively removes undesirable information from the model, and the relearning step reinforces features that are consistently useful under different conditions. The forget-and-relearn framework unifies many existing iterative training algorithms in the image classification and language emergence literature, and allows us to understand the success of these algorithms in terms of the disproportionate forgetting of undesirable information. We leverage this understanding to improve upon existing algorithms by designing more targeted forgetting operations. Insights from our analysis provide a coherent view on the dynamics of iterative training in neural networks and offer a clear path towards performance improvements.
Medical Doctors in Health Reforms
Jean-Louis Denis
Sabrina Germain
Gianluca Veronesi
Health and legal experts from England and Canada consider the influence of medical doctors on reforms in this comparative study. With reflec… (see more)tions on participation since the inception of publicly funded healthcare systems, they show how the status of doctors affects change.