
Overcoming Interpretability and Accuracy Trade-off in Medical Imaging
Ivaxi Sheth
The Influence of Age, Sex, and Socioeconomic Status on Glycemic Control Among People With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Canada: Patient-Led Longitudinal Retrospective Cross-sectional Study With Multiple Time Points of Measurement
Seyedmostafa Mousavi
Dana Tannenbaum Greenberg
Ruth Ndjaboué
Michelle Greiver
Olivia Drescher
Selma Chipenda Dansokho
Denis Boutin
Jean-Marc Chouinard
Sylvie Dostie
Robert Fenton
Marley Greenberg
Jonathan McGavock
Adhiyat Najam
Monia Rekik
Tom Weisz
Donald J Willison
Holly O Witteman
Controllable Image Generation via Collage Representations
Arantxa Casanova
Marlene Careil
Jakob Verbeek
Michal Drozdzal
Towards ethical multimodal systems
Alexis Roger
Esma Aimeur
Tri-process model of interpersonal mindfulness: theoretical framework and study protocol
Bassam Khoury
Viktoriya Manova
Lena Adel
Michael Lifshitz
Rodrigo C. Vergara
Harmehr Sekhon
Soham Rej
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 14% of the US population practice mindfulness meditation. The effects of mi… (see more)ndfulness training on physical and mental health have been consistently documented, but its effects on interpersonal relationships are not yet fully understood or investigated. Interpersonal relationships play a crucial role in the wellbeing of individuals and society, and therefore, warrants further study. The aim of this paper is to present a tri-process theoretical model of interpersonal mindfulness and a study protocol to validate the proposed model. Specifically, according to the proposed model, mindfulness meditation training increases the self-awareness, self-regulation, and prosociality of those receiving the training, which ameliorates the quality of interpersonal interactions and the socioemotional support provided to other individuals. Finally, better socioemotional support increases the support receiver’s ability to regulate their emotions. Using a multiphasic longitudinal design involving 640 participants randomized into 480 dyads, the proposed protocol aims to validate the tri-process model and to investigate its mechanisms of actions. The proposed study has important theoretical and social implications and will allow devising new and more effective interpersonal mindfulness programs with applications in multiple fields.
Understanding the normative leadership of the world health organization (who): a mixed-method approach
Miriam Cohen
Jean-Louis Denis
Pierre Larouche
Gaelle Foucault
Marie-Andree Girard
Medical SAM Adapter: Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation
Junde Wu
Rao Fu
Huihui Fang
Yuanpei Liu
Zhao-Yang Wang
Yanwu Xu
Yueming Jin
The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has recently gained popularity in the field of image segmentation due to its impressive capabilities in var… (see more)ious segmentation tasks and its prompt-based interface. However, recent studies and individual experiments have shown that SAM underperforms in medical image segmentation, since the lack of the medical specific knowledge. This raises the question of how to enhance SAM's segmentation capability for medical images. In this paper, instead of fine-tuning the SAM model, we propose the Medical SAM Adapter (Med-SA), which incorporates domain-specific medical knowledge into the segmentation model using a light yet effective adaptation technique. In Med-SA, we propose Space-Depth Transpose (SD-Trans) to adapt 2D SAM to 3D medical images and Hyper-Prompting Adapter (HyP-Adpt) to achieve prompt-conditioned adaptation. We conduct comprehensive evaluation experiments on 17 medical image segmentation tasks across various image modalities. Med-SA outperforms several state-of-the-art (SOTA) medical image segmentation methods, while updating only 2\% of the parameters. Our code is released at
Ranking code clones to support maintenance activities
Osama Ehsan
Ying Zou
Dong Qiu
Rhythmic Information Sampling in the Brain during Visual Recognition
Laurent Caplette
Frédéric Gosselin
Towards Compute-Optimal Transfer Learning
Massimo Caccia
Alexandre Galashov
Arthur Douillard
Amal Rannen-Triki
Dushyant Rao
Michela Paganini
Marc'aurelio Ranzato
Razvan Pascanu
When Do Graph Neural Networks Help with Node Classification? Investigating the Impact of Homophily Principle on Node Distinguishability
Sitao Luan
Chenqing Hua
Minkai Xu
Qincheng Lu
Jiaqi Zhu
Xiao-Wen Chang
Jie Fu
Jure Leskovec
Better Training of GFlowNets with Local Credit and Incomplete Trajectories
Ling Pan
Nikolay Malkin
Dinghuai Zhang