
Structured Pruning of Neural Networks for Constraints Learning
Matteo Cacciola
Antonio Frangioni
In recent years, the integration of Machine Learning (ML) models with Operation Research (OR) tools has gained popularity across diverse app… (see more)lications, including cancer treatment, algorithmic configuration, and chemical process optimization. In this domain, the combination of ML and OR often relies on representing the ML model output using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations. Numerous studies in the literature have developed such formulations for many ML predictors, with a particular emphasis on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their significant interest in many applications. However, ANNs frequently contain a large number of parameters, resulting in MIP formulations that are impractical to solve, thereby impeding scalability. In fact, the ML community has already introduced several techniques to reduce the parameter count of ANNs without compromising their performance, since the substantial size of modern ANNs presents challenges for ML applications as it significantly impacts computational efforts during training and necessitates significant memory resources for storage. In this paper, we showcase the effectiveness of pruning, one of these techniques, when applied to ANNs prior to their integration into MIPs. By pruning the ANN, we achieve significant improvements in the speed of the solution process. We discuss why pruning is more suitable in this context compared to other ML compression techniques, and we identify the most appropriate pruning strategies. To highlight the potential of this approach, we conduct experiments using feed-forward neural networks with multiple layers to construct adversarial examples. Our results demonstrate that pruning offers remarkable reductions in solution times without hindering the quality of the final decision, enabling the resolution of previously unsolvable instances.
Structured Pruning of Neural Networks for Constraints Learning
Matteo Cacciola
Antonio Frangioni
In recent years, the integration of Machine Learning (ML) models with Operation Research (OR) tools has gained popularity across diverse app… (see more)lications, including cancer treatment, algorithmic configuration, and chemical process optimization. In this domain, the combination of ML and OR often relies on representing the ML model output using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations. Numerous studies in the literature have developed such formulations for many ML predictors, with a particular emphasis on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their significant interest in many applications. However, ANNs frequently contain a large number of parameters, resulting in MIP formulations that are impractical to solve, thereby impeding scalability. In fact, the ML community has already introduced several techniques to reduce the parameter count of ANNs without compromising their performance, since the substantial size of modern ANNs presents challenges for ML applications as it significantly impacts computational efforts during training and necessitates significant memory resources for storage. In this paper, we showcase the effectiveness of pruning, one of these techniques, when applied to ANNs prior to their integration into MIPs. By pruning the ANN, we achieve significant improvements in the speed of the solution process. We discuss why pruning is more suitable in this context compared to other ML compression techniques, and we identify the most appropriate pruning strategies. To highlight the potential of this approach, we conduct experiments using feed-forward neural networks with multiple layers to construct adversarial examples. Our results demonstrate that pruning offers remarkable reductions in solution times without hindering the quality of the final decision, enabling the resolution of previously unsolvable instances.
The default network dominates neural responses to evolving movie stories
Enning Yang
Filip Milisav
Jakub Kopal
Avram J. Holmes
Georgios D. Mitsis
Bratislav Mišić
Emily S. Finn
An 8‐channel Tx dipole and 20‐channel Rx loop coil array for MRI of the cervical spinal cord at 7 Tesla
Nibardo Lopez‐Rios
Kyle M. Gilbert
Daniel Papp
Gaspard Cereza
Alexandru Foias
Deshpande Rangaprakash
Markus W. May
Bastien Guerin
Lawrence L. Wald
Boris Keil
Jason P. Stockmann
Robert L. Barry
The quality of cervical spinal cord images can be improved by the use of tailored radiofrequency (RF) coil solutions for ultrahigh field ima… (see more)ging; however, very few commercial and research 7‐T RF coils currently exist for the spinal cord, and in particular, those with parallel transmission (pTx) capabilities. This work presents the design, testing, and validation of a pTx/Rx coil for the human neck and cervical/upper thoracic spinal cord. The pTx portion is composed of eight dipoles to ensure high homogeneity over this large region of the spinal cord. The Rx portion is made up of twenty semiadaptable overlapping loops to produce high signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) across the patient population. The coil housing is designed to facilitate patient positioning and comfort, while also being tight fitting to ensure high sensitivity. We demonstrate RF shimming capabilities to optimize B1+ uniformity, power efficiency, and/or specific absorption rate efficiency. B1+ homogeneity, SNR, and g‐factor were evaluated in adult volunteers and demonstrated excellent performance from the occipital lobe down to the T4‐T5 level. We compared the proposed coil with two state‐of‐the‐art head and head/neck coils, confirming its superiority in the cervical and upper thoracic regions of the spinal cord. This coil solution therefore provides a convincing platform for producing the high image quality necessary for clinical and research scanning of the upper spinal cord.
Selection for immune evasion in SARS-CoV-2 revealed by high-resolution epitope mapping and sequence analysis
Arnaud N’Guessan
Senthilkumar Kailasam
Fatima Mostefai
Raphael Poujol
Jean-Christophe Grenier
Nailya Ismailova
Paola Contini
Raffaele De Palma
Carsten Haber
Volker Stadler
Guillaume Bourque
B. Jesse Shapiro
Jörg H. Fritz
Ciriaco A. Piccirillo
Subcortical Brain Alterations in Carriers of Genomic Copy Number Variants.
Kuldeep Kumar
Claudia Modenato
Clara A. Moreau
Christopher R. K. Ching
C. Ching
Annabelle Harvey
Sandra Martin-Brevet
Guillaume Huguet
Martineau Jean-Louis
Elise Douard
Charles-Olivier Martin
C.O. Martin
Nadine Younis
Petra Tamer
Anne M. Maillard
Borja Rodriguez-Herreros
Aurélie Pain
Sonia Richetin
Leila Kushan
Dmitry Isaev … (see 26 more)
Kathryn Alpert
Anjani Ragothaman
Jessica A. Turner
Lei Wang
T. Ho
Tiffany C. Ho
Lianne Schmaal
Ana I. Silva
Marianne B.M. van den Bree
V. Marianne
David E.J. Linden
M. J. Owen
Marie Owen
Jeremy Hall
Sarah Lippé
Bogdan Draganski
Boris A. Gutman
Ida E. Sønderby
Ole A. Andreassen
Laura Schultz
Laura Almasy
David C. Glahn
Carrie E. Bearden
Paul M. Thompson
Sébastien Jacquemont
OBJECTIVE Copy number variants (CNVs) are well-known genetic pleiotropic risk factors for multiple neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disord… (see more)ers (NPDs), including autism (ASD) and schizophrenia. Little is known about how different CNVs conferring risk for the same condition may affect subcortical brain structures and how these alterations relate to the level of disease risk conferred by CNVs. To fill this gap, the authors investigated gross volume, vertex-level thickness, and surface maps of subcortical structures in 11 CNVs and six NPDs. METHODS Subcortical structures were characterized using harmonized ENIGMA protocols in 675 CNV carriers (CNVs at 1q21.1, TAR, 13q12.12, 15q11.2, 16p11.2, 16p13.11, and 22q11.2; age range, 6-80 years; 340 males) and 782 control subjects (age range, 6-80 years; 387 males) as well as ENIGMA summary statistics for ASD, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and major depression. RESULTS All CNVs showed alterations in at least one subcortical measure. Each structure was affected by at least two CNVs, and the hippocampus and amygdala were affected by five. Shape analyses detected subregional alterations that were averaged out in volume analyses. A common latent dimension was identified, characterized by opposing effects on the hippocampus/amygdala and putamen/pallidum, across CNVs and across NPDs. Effect sizes of CNVs on subcortical volume, thickness, and local surface area were correlated with their previously reported effect sizes on cognition and risk for ASD and schizophrenia. CONCLUSIONS The findings demonstrate that subcortical alterations associated with CNVs show varying levels of similarities with those associated with neuropsychiatric conditions, as well distinct effects, with some CNVs clustering with adult-onset conditions and others with ASD. These findings provide insight into the long-standing questions of why CNVs at different genomic loci increase the risk for the same NPD and why a single CNV increases the risk for a diverse set of NPDs.
Transformers in Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
Pranav Agarwal
Aamer Abdul Rahman
Pierre-Luc St-Charles
Simon J. D. Prince
Transformers have significantly impacted domains like natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, where they improve perform… (see more)ance compared to other neural networks. This survey explores how transformers are used in reinforcement learning (RL), where they are seen as a promising solution for addressing challenges such as unstable training, credit assignment, lack of interpretability, and partial observability. We begin by providing a brief domain overview of RL, followed by a discussion on the challenges of classical RL algorithms. Next, we delve into the properties of the transformer and its variants and discuss the characteristics that make them well-suited to address the challenges inherent in RL. We examine the application of transformers to various aspects of RL, including representation learning, transition and reward function modeling, and policy optimization. We also discuss recent research that aims to enhance the interpretability and efficiency of transformers in RL, using visualization techniques and efficient training strategies. Often, the transformer architecture must be tailored to the specific needs of a given application. We present a broad overview of how transformers have been adapted for several applications, including robotics, medicine, language modeling, cloud computing, and combinatorial optimization. We conclude by discussing the limitations of using transformers in RL and assess their potential for catalyzing future breakthroughs in this field.
AI For Global Climate Cooperation 2023 Competition Proceedings
Prateek Arun Gupta
Lu Li
Soham R. Phade
Sunil Srinivasa
andrew williams
Tianyu Zhang
Yang Zhang
Stephan Tao Zheng
The international community must collaborate to mitigate climate change and sustain economic growth. However, collaboration is hard to achie… (see more)ve, partly because no global authority can ensure compliance with international climate agreements. Combining AI with climate-economic simulations offers a promising solution to design international frameworks, including negotiation protocols and climate agreements, that promote and incentivize collaboration. In addition, these frameworks should also have policy goals fulfillment, and sustained commitment, taking into account climate-economic dynamics and strategic behaviors. These challenges require an interdisciplinary approach across machine learning, economics, climate science, law, policy, ethics, and other fields. Towards this objective, we organized AI for Global Climate Cooperation, a Mila competition in which teams submitted proposals and analyses of international frameworks, based on (modifications of) RICE-N, an AI-driven integrated assessment model (IAM). In particular, RICE-N supports modeling regional decision-making using AI agents. Furthermore, the IAM then models the climate-economic impact of those decisions into the future. Whereas the first track focused only on performance metrics, the proposals submitted to the second track were evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative evaluation focused on a combination of (i) the degree of mitigation of global temperature rise and (ii) the increase in economic productivity. On the other hand, an interdisciplinary panel of human experts in law, policy, sociology, economics and environmental science, evaluated the solutions qualitatively. In particular, the panel considered the effectiveness, simplicity, feasibility, ethics, and notions of climate justice of the protocols. In the third track, the participants were asked to critique and improve RICE-N.
AI For Global Climate Cooperation 2023 Competition Proceedings
Prateek Arun Gupta
Lu Li
Soham R. Phade
Sunil Srinivasa
andrew williams
Tianyu Zhang
Yangtian Zhang
Stephan Tao Zheng
The international community must collaborate to mitigate climate change and sustain economic growth. However, collaboration is hard to achie… (see more)ve, partly because no global authority can ensure compliance with international climate agreements. Combining AI with climate-economic simulations offers a promising solution to design international frameworks, including negotiation protocols and climate agreements, that promote and incentivize collaboration. In addition, these frameworks should also have policy goals fulfillment, and sustained commitment, taking into account climate-economic dynamics and strategic behaviors. These challenges require an interdisciplinary approach across machine learning, economics, climate science, law, policy, ethics, and other fields. Towards this objective, we organized AI for Global Climate Cooperation, a Mila competition in which teams submitted proposals and analyses of international frameworks, based on (modifications of) RICE-N, an AI-driven integrated assessment model (IAM). In particular, RICE-N supports modeling regional decision-making using AI agents. Furthermore, the IAM then models the climate-economic impact of those decisions into the future. Whereas the first track focused only on performance metrics, the proposals submitted to the second track were evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative evaluation focused on a combination of (i) the degree of mitigation of global temperature rise and (ii) the increase in economic productivity. On the other hand, an interdisciplinary panel of human experts in law, policy, sociology, economics and environmental science, evaluated the solutions qualitatively. In particular, the panel considered the effectiveness, simplicity, feasibility, ethics, and notions of climate justice of the protocols. In the third track, the participants were asked to critique and improve RICE-N.
International Institutions for Advanced AI
Lewis Ho
Joslyn N. Barnhart
Robert Frederic Trager
Miles Brundage
Allison Sovey Carnegie
Rumman Chowdhury
Allan Dafoe
Gillian K. Hadfield
Margaret Levi
D. Snidal
Robust and Versatile Bipedal Jumping Control through Reinforcement Learning
Zhongyu Li
Xue Bin Peng
Pieter Abbeel
Sergey Levine
Koushil Sreenath
Overcoming the Technical Challenges of Coordinating Distributed Load Resources at Scale
Johanna Mathieu
Ian Hiskens
Ioannis Marios Granitsas
Oluwagbemileke Oyefeso
Gregory Ledva
Sebastian Nugroho
Salman Nazir
Scott Hinson
Suzanne Russo
Steve Mock
Rachel Jenkins
Jill Harlow
Grant Fisher
Drew Geller
Duncan Callaway
Phillippe Phanivong