Mila > Team > Parsa Bagherzadeh

Parsa Bagherzadeh

Student Post-Doc, McGill University

Dr. Parsa Bagherzadeh (پارسا باقرزاده) is a Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University, under supervision of Dr. Shirin Enger , where he focuses on Natural Language Processing techniques to leverage clinical text reports for cancer treatment outcome prediction. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Concordia University under the supervision of Professor Sabine Bergler , and he was a proud member of the CLaC lab (Computational Linguistics at Concordia). In his PhD, he focused on the integration of external knowledge sources for language processing, specifically biomedical text processing. He has a master’s in Artificial Intelligence from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, and a bachelor’s in Computer Engineering from the University of Birjand, Iran.