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Aristide Baratin

Independent visiting researcher - Samsung SAIT


Promoting Exploration in Memory-Augmented Adam using Critical Momenta
Pranshu Malviya
Goncalo Mordido
Aristide Baratin
Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh
Jerry Huang
Razvan Pascanu
Adaptive gradient-based optimizers, particularly Adam, have left their mark in training large-scale deep learning models. The strength of su… (see more)ch optimizers is that they exhibit fast convergence while being more robust to hyperparameter choice. However, they often generalize worse than non-adaptive methods. Recent studies have tied this performance gap to flat minima selection: adaptive methods tend to find solutions in sharper basins of the loss landscape, which in turn hurts generalization. To overcome this issue, we propose a new memory-augmented version of Adam that promotes exploration towards flatter minima by using a buffer of critical momentum terms during training. Intuitively, the use of the buffer makes the optimizer overshoot outside the basin of attraction if it is not wide enough. We empirically show that our method improves the performance of several variants of Adam on standard supervised language modelling and image classification tasks.
Lookbehind-SAM: k steps back, 1 step forward
Goncalo Mordido
Pranshu Malviya
Aristide Baratin
Unsupervised Concept Discovery Mitigates Spurious Correlations
Md Rifat Arefin
Yan Zhang
Aristide Baratin
Francesco Locatello
Dianbo Liu
Kenji Kawaguchi
Maxwell's Demon at Work: Efficient Pruning by Leveraging Saturation of Neurons
Simon Dufort-Labbé
Pierluca D'Oro
Evgenii Nikishin
Razvan Pascanu
Aristide Baratin
How connectivity structure shapes rich and lazy learning in neural circuits
Yuhan Helena Liu
Aristide Baratin
Jonathan Cornford
Stefan Mihalas
Eric Todd SheaBrown
In theoretical neuroscience, recent work leverages deep learning tools to explore how some network attributes critically influence its learn… (see more)ing dynamics. Notably, initial weight distributions with small (resp. large) variance may yield a rich (resp. lazy) regime, where significant (resp. minor) changes to network states and representation are observed over the course of learning. However, in biology, neural circuit connectivity generally has a low-rank structure and therefore differs markedly from the random initializations generally used for these studies. As such, here we investigate how the structure of the initial weights — in particular their effective rank — influences the network learning regime. Through both empirical and theoretical analyses, we discover that high-rank initializations typically yield smaller network changes indicative of lazier learning, a finding we also confirm with experimentally-driven initial connectivity in recurrent neural networks. Conversely, low-rank initialization biases learning towards richer learning. Importantly, however, as an exception to this rule, we find lazier learning can still occur with a low-rank initialization that aligns with task and data statistics. Our research highlights the pivotal role of initial weight structures in shaping learning regimes, with implications for metabolic costs of plasticity and risks of catastrophic forgetting.
Using Representation Expressiveness and Learnability to Evaluate Self-Supervised Learning Methods
Yuchen Lu
Zhen Liu
Aristide Baratin
Romain Laroche
CrossSplit: Mitigating Label Noise Memorization through Data Splitting
Jihye Kim
Aristide Baratin
Yan Zhang
We approach the problem of improving robustness of deep learning algorithms in the presence of label noise. Building upon existing label cor… (see more)rection and co-teaching methods, we propose a novel training procedure to mitigate the memorization of noisy labels, called CrossSplit, which uses a pair of neural networks trained on two disjoint parts of the labeled dataset. CrossSplit combines two main ingredients: (i) Cross-split label correction. The idea is that, since the model trained on one part of the data cannot memorize example-label pairs from the other part, the training labels presented to each network can be smoothly adjusted by using the predictions of its peer network; (ii) Cross-split semi-supervised training. A network trained on one part of the data also uses the unlabeled inputs of the other part. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet and mini-WebVision datasets demonstrate that our method can outperform the current state-of-the-art in a wide range of noise ratios. The project page is at https://rlawlgul.github.io/.
Lazy vs hasty: linearization in deep networks impacts learning schedule based on example difficulty
Thomas George
Aristide Baratin
Among attempts at giving a theoretical account of the success of deep neural networks, a recent line of work has identified a so-called `laz… (see more)y' training regime in which the network can be well approximated by its linearization around initialization. Here we investigate the comparative effect of the lazy (linear) and feature learning (non-linear) regimes on subgroups of examples based on their difficulty. Specifically, we show that easier examples are given more weight in feature learning mode, resulting in faster training compared to more difficult ones. In other words, the non-linear dynamics tends to sequentialize the learning of examples of increasing difficulty. We illustrate this phenomenon across different ways to quantify example difficulty, including c-score, label noise, and in the presence of easy-to-learn spurious correlations. Our results reveal a new understanding of how deep networks prioritize resources across example difficulty.
Implicit Regularization in Deep Learning: A View from Function Space
Aristide Baratin
Thomas George
César Laurent
We approach the problem of implicit regularization in deep learning from a geometrical viewpoint. We highlight a possible regularization eff… (see more)ect induced by a dynamical alignment of the neural tangent features introduced by Jacot et al, along a small number of task-relevant directions. By extrapolating a new analysis of Rademacher complexity bounds in linear models, we propose and study a new heuristic complexity measure for neural networks which captures this phenomenon, in terms of sequences of tangent kernel classes along in the learning trajectories.
Implicit Regularization in Deep Learning: A View from Function Space
Aristide Baratin
Thomas George
César Laurent