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Quentin Bertrand

Postdoctorate - Université de Montréal


On the Stability of Iterative Retraining of Generative Models on their own Data
Quentin Bertrand
Joey Bose
Alexandre Duplessis
Marco Jiralerspong
Deep generative models have made tremendous progress in modeling complex data, often exhibiting generation quality that surpasses a typical … (see more)human's ability to discern the authenticity of samples. Undeniably, a key driver of this success is enabled by the massive amounts of web-scale data consumed by these models. Due to these models' striking performance and ease of availability, the web will inevitably be increasingly populated with synthetic content. Such a fact directly implies that future iterations of generative models will be trained on both clean and artificially generated data from past models. In this paper, we develop a framework to rigorously study the impact of training generative models on mixed datasets---from classical training on real data to self-consuming generative models trained on purely synthetic data. We first prove the stability of iterative training under the condition that the initial generative models approximate the data distribution well enough and the proportion of clean training data (w.r.t. synthetic data) is large enough. We empirically validate our theory on both synthetic and natural images by iteratively training normalizing flows and state-of-the-art diffusion models on CIFAR10 and FFHQ.
Q-learners Can Provably Collude in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
Quentin Bertrand
Juan Duque
Emilio Calvano
The deployment of machine learning systems in the market economy has triggered academic and institutional fears over potential tacit collusi… (see more)on between fully automated agents. Multiple recent economics studies have empirically shown the emergence of collusive strategies from agents guided by machine learning algorithms. In this work, we prove that multi-agent Q-learners playing the iterated prisoner's dilemma can learn to collude. The complexity of the cooperative multi-agent setting yields multiple fixed-point policies for
Omega: Optimistic EMA Gradients
Juan Ramirez
Rohan Sukumaran
Quentin Bertrand
Stochastic min-max optimization has gained interest in the machine learning community with the advancements in GANs and adversarial training… (see more). Although game optimization is fairly well understood in the deterministic setting, some issues persist in the stochastic regime. Recent work has shown that stochastic gradient descent-ascent methods such as the optimistic gradient are highly sensitive to noise or can fail to converge. Although alternative strategies exist, they can be prohibitively expensive. We introduce Omega, a method with optimistic-like updates that mitigates the impact of noise by incorporating an EMA of historic gradients in its update rule. We also explore a variation of this algorithm that incorporates momentum. Although we do not provide convergence guarantees, our experiments on stochastic games show that Omega outperforms the optimistic gradient method when applied to linear players.
Synergies between Disentanglement and Sparsity: Generalization and Identifiability in Multi-Task Learning
Sébastien Lachapelle
Tristan Deleu
Divyat Mahajan
Quentin Bertrand
Although disentangled representations are often said to be beneficial for downstream tasks, current empirical and theoretical understanding … (see more)is limited. In this work, we provide evidence that disentangled representations coupled with sparse task-specific predictors improve generalization. In the context of multi-task learning, we prove a new identifiability result that provides conditions under which maximally sparse predictors yield disentangled representations. Motivated by this theoretical result, we propose a practical approach to learn disentangled representations based on a sparsity-promoting bi-level optimization problem. Finally, we explore a meta-learning version of this algorithm based on group Lasso multiclass SVM predictors, for which we derive a tractable dual formulation. It obtains competitive results on standard few-shot classification benchmarks, while each task is using only a fraction of the learned representations.
Synergies between Disentanglement and Sparsity: Generalization and Identifiability in Multi-Task Learning
Sébastien Lachapelle
Tristan Deleu
Divyat Mahajan
Quentin Bertrand
Although disentangled representations are often said to be beneficial for downstream tasks, current empirical and theoretical understanding … (see more)is limited. In this work, we provide evidence that disentangled representations coupled with sparse base-predictors improve generalization. In the context of multi-task learning, we prove a new identifiability result that provides conditions under which maximally sparse base-predictors yield disentangled representations. Motivated by this theoretical result, we propose a practical approach to learn disentangled representations based on a sparsity-promoting bi-level optimization problem. Finally, we explore a meta-learning version of this algorithm based on group Lasso multiclass SVM base-predictors, for which we derive a tractable dual formulation. It obtains competitive results on standard few-shot classification benchmarks, while each task is using only a fraction of the learned representations.
On the Limitations of Elo: Real-World Games, are Transitive, not Additive
Quentin Bertrand
Wojciech M. Czarnecki
Real-world competitive games, such as chess, go, or StarCraft II, rely on Elo models to measure the strength of their players. Since these g… (see more)ames are not fully transitive, using Elo implicitly assumes they have a strong transitive component that can correctly be identified and extracted. In this study, we investigate the challenge of identifying the strength of the transitive component in games. First, we show that Elo models can fail to extract this transitive component, even in elementary transitive games. Then, based on this observation, we propose an extension of the Elo score: we end up with a disc ranking system that assigns each player two scores, which we refer to as skill and consistency. Finally, we propose an empirical validation on payoff matrices coming from real-world games played by bots and humans.