AI4Good Lab transfers to Mila as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy

Participants of the AI4Good Lab

Montréal, January 17, 2023 - Mila, CIFAR, Amii and the OSMO Foundation are pleased to announce the integration of the AI4Good Lab in Mila’s operations as of January 1, 2023, confirming Mila’s national leadership in the training of Women+ and underrepresented groups in the field of AI.

In the last few years, the Lab has evolved to become a national initiative under the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. With its integration into Mila, it will now be delivered as a partnership between Mila, CIFAR, Amii and the Vector Institute, which unlocks its potential for growth and scale across the country.

Mila will be responsible for the national program, and the delivery partners will deliver the program in Montréal, Edmonton, and Toronto by collaborating to develop a simultaneous program in their respective regions with shared curriculum, activities, and objectives. As a founding partner, the OSMO Foundation will remain a key partner, continuing to ensure the success of the Lab, and to leverage resources in the Montréal ecosystem for greater impact.

The AI4Good Lab was founded in 2017 by McGill professor Doina Precup, a Mila Core Member and Canada CIFAR AI Chair, and Angelique Mannella, Chief of Staff, AWS Industries, at Amazon Web Services, to improve the culture in Tech by addressing the gender disparity through mentorship and education. The program is designed for women+, which includes cisgender women, transgender women, non-binary people, and anyone who identifies as having experienced misogyny.

AI4Good Lab’s mission is to invite those affected by AI but that are not necessarily represented in its development and deployment to join an immersive learning experience by introducing participants to the technical skills, pressing topics, and most importantly, the contacts that they need to succeed in the AI industry.





“ The inclusion and participation of women and other underrepresented groups in the development and deployment of AI is one of our finest and greatest ambitions. The integration of the AI4Good Lab within our Institute allows us to propel this promising program and to develop new talents within a rich community of researchers and specialists”, declared Valérie Pisano, President and CEO of Mila.



“ Women and gender-diverse individuals have for too long been underrepresented in STEM fields including AI. CIFAR is very happy to continue to support the AI4Good Lab, which has for six years provided robust hands-on training for women and gender-diverse people as they prepare for careers in AI. We're very pleased that Mila is assuming leadership of this essential training program, which reflects the long-standing values of Mila in prioritizing the advancement of AI for the good of humanity and the planet.” - Elissa Strome, Executive Director, Pan-Canadian AI Strategy at CIFAR



 “AI is a discipline that has the potential to affect so many lives, so it is really important to have a diverse point of view in the workforce, in the research community, in teaching, so we can make sure that the technologies are developed with everyone in mind.”, said Doina Precup, AI4Good Lab Co-Founder,McGill University Associate Professor, Mila Core Academic Member and Canada CIFAR AI Chair. 



The call for application is now open


The Lab will take place simultaneously in Montréal, Toronto and Edmonton  from May 1st to June 20th 2023. The call for applications has been open since January 10 and will close on January 31st. Candidates can apply here.