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Mojtaba Faramarzi

PhD - Université de Montréal


On the Costs and Benefits of Adopting Lifelong Learning for Software Analytics -- Empirical Study on Brown Build and Risk Prediction
Doriane Olewicki
Sarra Habchi
Mathieu Nayrolles
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Bram Adams
Nowadays, software analytics tools using machine learning (ML) models to, for example, predict the risk of a code change are well establishe… (see more)d. However, as the goals of a project shift over time, and developers and their habits change, the performance of said models tends to degrade (drift) over time. Current retraining practices typically require retraining a new model from scratch on a large updated dataset when performance decay is observed, thus incurring a computational cost; also there is no continuity between the models as the past model is discarded and ignored during the new model training. Even though the literature has taken interest in online learning approaches, those have rarely been integrated and evaluated in industrial environments. This paper evaluates the use of lifelong learning (LL) for industrial use cases at Ubisoft, evaluating both the performance and the required computational effort in comparison to the retraining-from-scratch approaches commonly used by the industry. LL is used to continuously build and maintain ML-based software analytics tools using an incremental learner that progressively updates the old model using new data. To avoid so-called"catastrophic forgetting"of important older data points, we adopt a replay buffer of older data, which still allows us to drastically reduce the size of the overall training dataset, and hence model training time.
SAND-mask: An Enhanced Gradient Masking Strategy for the Discovery of Invariances in Domain Generalization
Soroosh Shahtalebi
Jean-Christophe Gagnon-Audet
Touraj Laleh
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Kartik Ahuja
A major bottleneck in the real-world applications of machine learning models is their failure in generalizing to unseen domains whose data d… (see more)istribution is not i.i.d to the training domains. This failure often stems from learning non-generalizable features in the training domains that are spuriously correlated with the label of data. To address this shortcoming, there has been a growing surge of interest in learning good explanations that are hard to vary, which is studied under the notion of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Generalization. The search for good explanations that are \textit{invariant} across different domains can be seen as finding local (global) minimas in the loss landscape that hold true across all of the training domains. In this paper, we propose a masking strategy, which determines a continuous weight based on the agreement of gradients that flow in each edge of network, in order to control the amount of update received by the edge in each step of optimization. Particularly, our proposed technique referred to as"Smoothed-AND (SAND)-masking", not only validates the agreement in the direction of gradients but also promotes the agreement among their magnitudes to further ensure the discovery of invariances across training domains. SAND-mask is validated over the Domainbed benchmark for domain generalization and significantly improves the state-of-the-art accuracy on the Colored MNIST dataset while providing competitive results on other domain generalization datasets.
Adversarial Feature Desensitization
Reza Bayat
Adam Ibrahim
Kartik Ahuja
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Touraj Laleh
Neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks -- slight but carefully constructed perturbations of the inputs which can … (see more)drastically impair the network's performance. Many defense methods have been proposed for improving robustness of deep networks by training them on adversarially perturbed inputs. However, these models often remain vulnerable to new types of attacks not seen during training, and even to slightly stronger versions of previously seen attacks. In this work, we propose a novel approach to adversarial robustness, which builds upon the insights from the domain adaptation field. Our method, called Adversarial Feature Desensitization (AFD), aims at learning features that are invariant towards adversarial perturbations of the inputs. This is achieved through a game where we learn features that are both predictive and robust (insensitive to adversarial attacks), i.e. cannot be used to discriminate between natural and adversarial data. Empirical results on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach against a wide range of attack types and attack strengths. Our code is available at https://github.com/BashivanLab/afd.
Chaotic Continual Learning
Touraj Laleh
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Training a deep neural network requires the model to go over training data for several epochs and update network parameters. In continual le… (see more)arning, this process results in catastrophic forgetting which is one of the core issues of this domain. Most proposed approaches for this issue try to compensate for the effects of parameter updates in the batch incremental setup in which the training model visits a lot of samples for several epochs. However, it is not realistic to expect training data will always be fed to model in a batch incremental setup. This paper proposes a chaotic stream learner that mimics the chaotic behavior of biological neurons and does not updates network parameters. In addition, it can work with fewer samples compared to deep learning models on stream learning setup. Our experiments on MNIST, CIFAR10, and Omniglot show that the chaotic stream learner has less catastrophic forgetting by its nature in comparison to a CNN model in continual learning.