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Manuel Del Verme

PhD - McGill University


WorkArena: How Capable are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?
Massimo Caccia
Issam Hadj Laradji
Manuel Del Verme
Tom Marty
Léo Boisvert
Megh Thakkar
David Vazquez
Alexandre Lacoste
WorkArena: How Capable Are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?
Massimo Caccia
Issam Hadj Laradji
Manuel Del Verme
Tom Marty
Léo Boisvert
Megh Thakkar
David Vazquez
Alexandre Lacoste
We study the use of large language model-based agents for interacting with software via web browsers. Unlike prior work, we focus on measuri… (see more)ng the agents' ability to perform tasks that span the typical daily work of knowledge workers utilizing enterprise software systems. To this end, we propose WorkArena, a remote-hosted benchmark of 29 tasks based on the widely-used ServiceNow platform. We also introduce BrowserGym, an environment for the design and evaluation of such agents, offering a rich set of actions as well as multimodal observations. Our empirical evaluation reveals that while current agents show promise on WorkArena, there remains a considerable gap towards achieving full task automation. Notably, our analysis uncovers a significant performance disparity between open and closed-source LLMs, highlighting a critical area for future exploration and development in the field.
WorkArena: How Capable are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?
Massimo Caccia
Issam Hadj Laradji
Manuel Del Verme
Tom Marty
Léo Boisvert
Megh Thakkar
David Vazquez
Alexandre Lacoste
We study the use of large language model-based agents for interacting with software via web browsers. Unlike prior work, we focus on measuri… (see more)ng the agents' ability to perform tasks that span the typical daily work of knowledge workers utilizing enterprise software systems. To this end, we propose WorkArena, a remote-hosted benchmark of 29 tasks based on the widely-used ServiceNow platform. We also introduce BrowserGym, an environment for the design and evaluation of such agents, offering a rich set of actions as well as multimodal observations. Our empirical evaluation reveals that while current agents show promise on WorkArena, there remains a considerable gap towards achieving full task automation. Notably, our analysis uncovers a significant performance disparity between open and closed-source LLMs, highlighting a critical area for future exploration and development in the field.
GrowSpace: A reinforcement learning environment for plant architecture
Yasmeen Hitti
Ionelia Buzatu
Manuel Del Verme
Mark Lefsrud
Florian Golemo
GrowSpace: Learning How to Shape Plants
Yasmeen Hitti
Ionelia Buzatu
Manuel Del Verme
Mark Lefsrud
Florian Golemo
Plants are dynamic systems that are integral to our existence and survival. Plants face environment changes and adapt over time to their sur… (see more)rounding conditions. We argue that plant responses to an environmental stimulus are a good example of a real-world problem that can be approached within a reinforcement learning (RL)framework. With the objective of controlling a plant by moving the light source, we propose GrowSpace, as a new RL benchmark. The back-end of the simulator is implemented using the Space Colonisation Algorithm, a plant growing model based on competition for space. Compared to video game RL environments, this simulator addresses a real-world problem and serves as a test bed to visualize plant growth and movement in a faster way than physical experiments. GrowSpace is composed of a suite of challenges that tackle several problems such as control, multi-stage learning,fairness and multi-objective learning. We provide agent baselines alongside case studies to demonstrate the difficulty of the proposed benchmark.