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Hadi Hojjati

PhD - McGill University


Self-supervised anomaly detection in computer vision and beyond: A survey and outlook.
Hadi Hojjati
Thi Kieu Khanh Ho
DASVDD: Deep Autoencoding Support Vector Data Descriptor for Anomaly Detection
Hadi Hojjati
Semi-supervised anomaly detection aims to detect anomalies from normal samples using a model that is trained on normal data. With recent adv… (see more)ancements in deep learning, researchers have designed efficient deep anomaly detection methods. Existing works commonly use neural networks to map the data into a more informative representation and then apply an anomaly detection algorithm. In this paper, we propose a method, DASVDD, that jointly learns the parameters of an autoencoder while minimizing the volume of an enclosing hyper-sphere on its latent representation. We propose an anomaly score which is a combination of autoencoder's reconstruction error and the distance from the center of the enclosing hypersphere in the latent representation. Minimizing this anomaly score aids us in learning the underlying distribution of the normal class during training. Including the reconstruction error in the anomaly score ensures that DASVDD does not suffer from the common hypersphere collapse issue since the DASVDD model does not converge to the trivial solution of mapping all inputs to a constant point in the latent representation. Experimental evaluations on several benchmark datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the commonly used state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms while maintaining robust performance across different anomaly classes.
Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection with Temporal Self-supervision and Graphs: Application to Vehicle Failure Prediction
Hadi Hojjati
Mohammadreza Sadeghi