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Charles Onu

PhD - McGill University


Learning domain-invariant classifiers for infant cry sounds
Charles Onu
Hemanth K. Sheetha
Arsenii Gorin
A cry for help: Early detection of brain injury in newborns
Charles Onu
Samantha Latremouille
Arsenii Gorin
Junhao Wang
Uchenna Ekwochi
P. Ubuane
O. Kehinde
Muhammad A. Salisu
Datonye Briggs
Self-Supervised Learning for Infant Cry Analysis
Arsenii Gorin
Sajjad Abdoli
Junhao Wang
Samantha Latremouille
Charles Onu
In this paper, we explore self-supervised learning (SSL) for analyzing a first-of-its-kind database of cry recordings containing clinical in… (see more)dications of more than a thousand newborns. Specifically, we target cry-based detection of neurological injury as well as identification of cry triggers such as pain, hunger, and discomfort. Annotating a large database in the medical setting is expensive and timeconsuming, typically requiring the collaboration of several experts over years. Leveraging large amounts of unlabeled audio data to learn useful representations can lower the cost of building robust models and, ultimately, clinical solutions. In this work, we experiment with self-supervised pre-training of a convolutional neural network on large audio datasets. We show that pre-training with SSL contrastive loss (SimCLR) performs significantly better than supervised pre-training for both neuro injury and cry triggers. In addition, we demonstrate further performance gains through SSL-based domain adaptation using unlabeled infant cries. We also show that using such SSL-based pre-training for adaptation to cry sounds decreases the need for labeled data of the overall system.
CryCeleb: A Speaker Verification Dataset Based on Infant Cry Sounds
David Budaghyan
Arsenii Gorin
Charles Onu
This paper describes the Ubenwa CryCeleb dataset - a labeled collection of infant cries - and the accompanying CryCeleb 2023 task, which is … (see more)a public speaker verification challenge based on cry sounds. We released more than 6 hours of manually segmented cry sounds from 786 newborns for academic use, aiming to encourage research in infant cry analysis. The inaugural public competition attracted 59 participants, 11 of whom improved the baseline performance. The top-performing system achieved a significant improvement scoring 25.8% equal error rate, which is still far from the performance of state-of-the-art adult speaker verification systems. Therefore, we believe there is room for further research on this dataset, potentially extending beyond the verification task.