Mila > Team > Can (Sam) Chen

Can (Sam) Chen

Student Ph.D.

I am a Ph.D. student at Mila. I work with Prof. Steve Liu and Prof. Chris Pal. I graduated (bachelor) from University of Science and Technology of China as an outstanding graduate. My current research interests are mainly in deep learning and AI for science.

Selected Publications

* denotes co-first author and † denotes (co-)corresponding author.

Parallel-Mentoring for Offline Model-Based Optimization. Can Chen†, Chris Beckham, Zixuan Liu, Xue Liu, Chris Pal. In NeurIPS 2023.

Structure-Aware Protein Self-Supervised Learning. Can Chen†, Jingbo Zhou†, Fan Wang, Xue Liu, Dejing Dou. In Bioinformatics 2023.

Generalized Data Weighting via Class-Level Gradient Manipulation. Can Chen*†, Shuhao Zheng*†, Xi Chen, Erqun Dong, Xue Liu, Hao Liu, Dejing Dou. In NeurIPS 2021.