Mila Launches its 2022-2023 Impact Report

Picture of the city of Montréal

Montreal, October 25, 2023 -  Mila is proud to present its Impact Report for the 2022-2023 year, a pivotal year in the development of AI and the governance, ethics and equity issues associated with it. This report presents some of the major work and projects carried out by members of our community over the past year, which are representative of cutting-edge research, major projects carried out in collaboration with the industry, and important social debates carried out within our institute. 

“The past year will certainly be remembered as a pivotal one for the artificial intelligence (AI) sector. While this science has been developing at a steady pace for the last few decades, it has reached a major public milestone with the arrival of large language models: the whole population can now realize the immense potential of AI to transform our lives and industries. This public realization is raising many questions and debates about the potential impacts of AI, both positive and negative, even within the scientific community”, Said Valerie Pisano, President and CEO of Mila, Pierre Boivin, Chairman of the Board of Mila and Yoshua Bengio, Mila’s Founder and Scientific Director. 

To read the full Impact Report, click here.