Mila and horoma AI join forces to maximize deep learning methods for remote sensing and earth observation

Montreal, Quebec, September 23, 2021 – Quebec-based start-up horoma AI announced today that it has joined forces with Mila and its leading deep learning researchers to expand collaborative efforts and optimize remote sensing and earth observation technologies.

“We’re really excited about this partnership,” says Yvan Ouellet, horoma’s Co-founder and CEO. “By becoming one of Mila’s industrial partners, we’re able to share knowledge and insights with a huge and equally diverse network of deep learning experts. Remote sensing techniques are vital to produce actionable data that helps inform decision-makers across a wide range of fields. Mila’s value as a unique AI research ecosystem is immeasurable for emerging start-ups, and we look forward to collaborating on cutting-edge research to improve our capabilities.”

According to Danielle Langlois, Mila’s vice-president of Finance, the impact of Mila’s research initiatives with partners is central to industry growth and scientific breakthroughs. “By bringing industry experts into the fold, we’re able to expand our researchers’ point of view far beyond the research laboratory to include the real-world needs and economics of businesses and industry. As an example, given today’s climate crisis, there’s great value in evolving horoma’s expertise in earth observation into a workable business model as quickly as possible, and their partnership with us helps them to do that. It’s a win-win situation.”

About Mila

Founded by Professor Yoshua Bengio of the Université de Montréal, Mila is a research institute in artificial intelligence which rallies about 700 researchers specializing in the field of deep learning. Based in Montreal, Mila’s mission is to be a global pole for scientific advances that inspires innovation and the development of AI for the benefit of all. Mila is a non-profit organization recognized globally for its significant contributions to the field of deep learning, particularly in the areas of language modelling, machine translation, object recognition and generative models.

About horoma AI

Founded by two technology serial entrepreneurs, horoma AI is a high-energy start-up leveraging leading-edge machine learning technology in remote sensing and earth observation. In these times of climate uncertainty, horoma provides actionable data to help decision makers improve business operations and environmental performance in agriculture, land use, forestry and environment.