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Pablo Lemos

Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


Iterated Denoising Energy Matching for Sampling from Boltzmann Densities
Tara Akhound-Sadegh
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Joey Bose
Sarthak Mittal
Pablo Lemos
Cheng-Hao Liu
Marcin Sendera
Nikolay Malkin
Alexander Tong
Efficiently generating statistically independent samples from an unnormalized probability distribution, such as equilibrium samples of many-… (voir plus)body systems, is a foundational problem in science. In this paper, we propose Iterated Denoising Energy Matching (iDEM), an iterative algorithm that uses a novel stochastic score matching objective leveraging solely the energy function and its gradient---and no data samples---to train a diffusion-based sampler. Specifically, iDEM alternates between (I) sampling regions of high model density from a diffusion-based sampler and (II) using these samples in our stochastic matching objective to further improve the sampler. iDEM is scalable to high dimensions as the inner matching objective, is *simulation-free*, and requires no MCMC samples. Moreover, by leveraging the fast mode mixing behavior of diffusion, iDEM smooths out the energy landscape enabling efficient exploration and learning of an amortized sampler. We evaluate iDEM on a suite of tasks ranging from standard synthetic energy functions to invariant
Interpretable Machine Learning for Finding Intermediate-mass Black Holes
Mario Pasquato
Piero Trevisan
Abbas Askar
Pablo Lemos
Gaia Carenini
Michela Mapelli
Iterated Denoising Energy Matching for Sampling from Boltzmann Densities
Tara Akhound-Sadegh
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Joey Bose
Sarthak Mittal
Pablo Lemos
Cheng-Hao Liu
Marcin Sendera
Nikolay Malkin
Alexander Tong
Efficiently generating statistically independent samples from an unnormalized probability distribution, such as equilibrium samples of many-… (voir plus)body systems, is a foundational problem in science. In this paper, we propose Iterated Denoising Energy Matching (iDEM), an iterative algorithm that uses a novel stochastic score matching objective leveraging solely the energy function and its gradient -- and no data samples -- to train a diffusion-based sampler. Specifically, iDEM alternates between (I) sampling regions of high model density from a diffusion-based sampler and (II) using these samples in our stochastic matching objective to further improve the sampler. iDEM is scalable to high dimensions as the inner matching objective, is simulation-free, and requires no MCMC samples. Moreover, by leveraging the fast mode mixing behavior of diffusion, iDEM smooths out the energy landscape enabling efficient exploration and learning of an amortized sampler. We evaluate iDEM on a suite of tasks ranging from standard synthetic energy functions to invariant
On diffusion models for amortized inference: Benchmarking and improving stochastic control and sampling
Marcin Sendera
Minsu Kim
Sarthak Mittal
Pablo Lemos
Luca Scimeca
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Alexandre Adam
Nikolay Malkin
We study the problem of training diffusion models to sample from a distribution with a given unnormalized density or energy function. We ben… (voir plus)chmark several diffusion-structured inference methods, including simulation-based variational approaches and off-policy methods (continuous generative flow networks). Our results shed light on the relative advantages of existing algorithms while bringing into question some claims from past work. We also propose a novel exploration strategy for off-policy methods, based on local search in the target space with the use of a replay buffer, and show that it improves the quality of samples on a variety of target distributions. Our code for the sampling methods and benchmarks studied is made public at https://github.com/GFNOrg/gfn-diffusion as a base for future work on diffusion models for amortized inference.
PQMass: Probabilistic Assessment of the Quality of Generative Models using Probability Mass Estimation
Pablo Lemos
Sammy N. Sharief
Nikolay Malkin
Improving Gradient-guided Nested Sampling for Posterior Inference
Pablo Lemos
Will Handley
Nikolay Malkin
We present a performant, general-purpose gradient-guided nested sampling algorithm, …
Bayesian Imaging for Radio Interferometry with Score-Based Priors
No'e Dia
M. J. Yantovski-Barth
Alexandre Adam
Micah Bowles
Pablo Lemos
A. Scaife
U. Montŕeal
Ciela Institute
Flatiron Institute
Learning an Effective Evolution Equation for Particle-Mesh Simulations Across Cosmologies
Nicolas Payot
Pablo Lemos
Carolina Cuesta-lazaro
C. Modi
The search for the lost attractor
Mario Pasquato
Syphax Haddad
Pierfrancesco Di Cintio
Alexandre Adam
Pablo Lemos
No'e Dia
Mircea Petrache
Ugo Niccolo Di Carlo
Alessandro A. Trani
Towards equilibrium molecular conformation generation with GFlowNets
Alexandra Volokhova
Michał Koziarski
Alex Hernandez-Garcia
Cheng-Hao Liu
Santiago Miret
Pablo Lemos
Luca Thiede
Zichao Yan
Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Sampling diverse, thermodynamically feasible molecular conformations plays a crucial role in predicting properties of a molecule. In this pa… (voir plus)per we propose to use GFlowNet for sampling conformations of small molecules from the Boltzmann distribution, as determined by the molecule's energy. The proposed approach can be used in combination with energy estimation methods of different fidelity and discovers a diverse set of low-energy conformations for highly flexible drug-like molecules. We demonstrate that GFlowNet can reproduce molecular potential energy surfaces by sampling proportionally to the Boltzmann distribution.
Posterior Sampling of the Initial Conditions of the Universe from Non-linear Large Scale Structures using Score-Based Generative Models
Ronan Legin
Matthew Ho
Pablo Lemos
Shirley Ho
Benjamin Wandelt
Sampling-Based Accuracy Testing of Posterior Estimators for General Inference