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Alexandre Payeur

Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


Fast burst fraction transients convey information independent of the firing rate
Richard Naud
Xingyun Wang
Zachary Friedenberger
Alexandre Payeur
Jiyun N. Shin
Jean-Claude Béïque
Moritz Drüke
Matthew E. Larkum
Guy Doron
Theories of attention and learning have hypothesized a central role for high-frequency bursting in cognitive functions, but experimental rep… (voir plus)orts of burst-mediated representations in vivo have been limited. Here we used a novel demultiplexing approach by considering a conjunctive burst code. We studied this code in vivo while animals learned to report direct electrical stimulation of the somatosensory cortex and found two acquired yet independent representations. One code, the event rate, showed a sparse and succint stiumulus representation and a small modulation upon detection errors. The other code, the burst fraction, correlated more globally with stimulation and more promptly responded to detection errors. Bursting modulation was potent and its time course evolved, even in cells that were considered unresponsive based on the firing rate. During the later stages of training, this modulation in bursting happened earlier, gradually aligning temporally with the representation in event rate. The alignment of bursting and event rate modulation sharpened the firing rate response, and was strongly associated behavioral accuracy. Thus a fine-grained separation of spike timing patterns reveals two signals that accompany stimulus representations: an error signal that can be essential to guide learning and a sharpening signal that could implement attention mechanisms.
Assistive sensory-motor perturbations influence learned neural representations
Pavithra Rajeswaran
Alexandre Payeur
Amy L. Orsborn
Task errors are used to learn and refine motor skills. We investigated how task assistance influences learned neural representations using B… (voir plus)rain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), which map neural activity into movement via a decoder. We analyzed motor cortex activity as monkeys practiced BCI with a decoder that adapted to improve or maintain performance over days. Population dimensionality remained constant or increased with learning, counter to trends with non-adaptive BCIs. Yet, over time, task information was contained in a smaller subset of neurons or population modes. Moreover, task information was ultimately stored in neural modes that occupied a small fraction of the population variance. An artificial neural network model suggests the adaptive decoders contribute to forming these compact neural representations. Our findings show that assistive decoders manipulate error information used for long-term learning computations, like credit assignment, which informs our understanding of motor learning and has implications for designing real-world BCIs.
Neural manifolds and learning regimes in neural-interface tasks
Alexandre Payeur
Amy L. Orsborn
Alexandre Payeur
Amy L. Orsborn
. Neural activity tends to reside on manifolds whose dimension is much lower than the dimension of the whole neural state space. Experiments… (voir plus) using brain-computer interfaces with microelectrode arrays implanted in the motor cortex of nonhuman primates tested the hypothesis that external perturbations should produce different adaptation strategies depending on how “aligned” the perturbation is with respect to a pre-existing intrinsic manifold. On the one hand, perturbations within the manifold (WM) evoked fast reassociations of existing patterns for rapid adaptation. On the other hand, perturbations outside the manifold (OM) triggered the slow emergence of new neural patterns underlying a much slower—and, without adequate training protocols, inconsistent or virtually impossible—adaptation. This suggests that the time scale and the overall difficulty of the brain to adapt depend fundamentally on the structure of neural activity. Here, we used a simplified static Gaussian model to show that gradient-descent learning could explain the differences between adaptation to WM and OM perturbations. For small learning rates, we found that the adaptation speeds were different but the model eventually adapted to both perturbations. Moreover, sufficiently large learning rates could entirely prohibit adaptation to OM perturbations while preserving adaptation to WM perturbations, in agreement with experiments. Adopting an incremental training protocol, as has been done in experiments, permitted a swift recovery of a full adaptation in the cases where OM perturbations were previously impossible to relearn. Finally, we also found that gradient descent was compatible with the reassociation mechanism on short adaptation time scales. Since gradient descent has many biologically plausible variants, our findings thus establish gradient-based learning as a plausible mechanism for adaptation under network-level constraints, with a central role for the learning rate.
Alexandre Payeur
Amy L. Orsborn
. Neural activity tends to reside on manifolds whose dimension is much lower than the dimension of the whole neural state space. Experiments… (voir plus) using brain-computer interfaces with microelectrode arrays implanted in the motor cortex of nonhuman primates tested the hypothesis that external perturbations should produce different adaptation strategies depending on how “aligned” the perturbation is with respect to a pre-existing intrinsic manifold. On the one hand, perturbations within the manifold (WM) evoked fast reassociations of existing patterns for rapid adaptation. On the other hand, perturbations outside the manifold (OM) triggered the slow emergence of new neural patterns underlying a much slower—and, without adequate training protocols, inconsistent or virtually impossible—adaptation. This suggests that the time scale and the overall difficulty of the brain to adapt depend fundamentally on the structure of neural activity. Here, we used a simplified static Gaussian model to show that gradient-descent learning could explain the differences between adaptation to WM and OM perturbations. For small learning rates, we found that the adaptation speeds were different but the model eventually adapted to both perturbations. Moreover, sufficiently large learning rates could entirely prohibit adaptation to OM perturbations while preserving adaptation to WM perturbations, in agreement with experiments. Adopting an incremental training protocol, as has been done in experiments, permitted a swift recovery of a full adaptation in the cases where OM perturbations were previously impossible to relearn. Finally, we also found that gradient descent was compatible with the reassociation mechanism on short adaptation time scales. Since gradient descent has many biologically plausible variants, our findings thus establish gradient-based learning as a plausible mechanism for adaptation under network-level constraints, with a central role for the learning rate.
Burst-dependent synaptic plasticity can coordinate learning in hierarchical circuits
Alexandre Payeur
Jordan Guerguiev
Friedemann Zenke
Richard Naud