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Suyuchen Wang

Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


Efficient Classification of Long Documents via State-Space Models
Peng Lu
Suyuchen Wang
Mehdi Rezagholizadeh
Ivan Kobyzev
QEN: Applicable Taxonomy Completion via Evaluating Full Taxonomic Relations
Suyuchen Wang
Ruihui Zhao
Yefeng Zheng
Taxonomy is a fundamental type of knowledge graph for a wide range of web applications like searching and recommendation systems. To keep a … (voir plus)taxonomy automatically updated with the latest concepts, the taxonomy completion task matches a pair of proper hypernym and hyponym in the original taxonomy with the new concept as its parent and child. Previous solutions utilize term embeddings as input and only evaluate the parent-child relations between the new concept and the hypernym-hyponym pair. Such methods ignore the important sibling relations, and are not applicable in reality since term embeddings are not available for the latest concepts. They also suffer from the relational noise of the “pseudo-leaf” node, which is a null node acting as a node’s hyponym to enable the new concept to be a leaf node. To tackle the above drawbacks, we propose the Quadruple Evaluation Network (QEN), a novel taxonomy completion framework that utilizes easily accessible term descriptions as input, and applies pretrained language model and code attention for accurate inference while reducing online computation. QEN evaluates both parent-child and sibling relations to both enhance the accuracy and reduce the noise brought by pseudo-leaf. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets in different domains with different sizes and term description sources prove the effectiveness and robustness of QEN on overall performance and especially the performance for adding non-leaf nodes, which largely surpasses previous methods and achieves the new state-of-the-art of the task.1
QEN: Applicable Taxonomy Completion via Evaluating Full Taxonomic Relations
Suyuchen Wang
Ruihui Zhao
Yefeng Zheng
Taxonomy is a fundamental type of knowledge graph for a wide range of web applications like searching and recommendation systems. To keep a … (voir plus)taxonomy automatically updated with the latest concepts, the taxonomy completion task matches a pair of proper hypernym and hyponym in the original taxonomy with the new concept as its parent and child. Previous solutions utilize term embeddings as input and only evaluate the parent-child relations between the new concept and the hypernym-hyponym pair. Such methods ignore the important sibling relations, and are not applicable in reality since term embeddings are not available for the latest concepts. They also suffer from the relational noise of the “pseudo-leaf” node, which is a null node acting as a node’s hyponym to enable the new concept to be a leaf node. To tackle the above drawbacks, we propose the Quadruple Evaluation Network (QEN), a novel taxonomy completion framework that utilizes easily accessible term descriptions as input, and applies pretrained language model and code attention for accurate inference while reducing online computation. QEN evaluates both parent-child and sibling relations to both enhance the accuracy and reduce the noise brought by pseudo-leaf. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets in different domains with different sizes and term description sources prove the effectiveness and robustness of QEN on overall performance and especially the performance for adding non-leaf nodes, which largely surpasses previous methods and achieves the new state-of-the-art of the task.1
Enquire One’s Parent and Child Before Decision: Fully Exploit Hierarchical Structure for Self-Supervised Taxonomy Expansion
Suyuchen Wang
Ruihui Zhao
Xi Chen
Yefeng Zheng
Taxonomy is a hierarchically structured knowledge graph that plays a crucial role in machine intelligence. The taxonomy expansion task aims … (voir plus)to find a position for a new term in an existing taxonomy to capture the emerging knowledge in the world and keep the taxonomy dynamically updated. Previous taxonomy expansion solutions neglect valuable information brought by the hierarchical structure and evaluate the correctness of merely an added edge, which downgrade the problem to node-pair scoring or mini-path classification. In this paper, we propose the Hierarchy Expansion Framework (HEF), which fully exploits the hierarchical structure’s properties to maximize the coherence of expanded taxonomy. HEF makes use of taxonomy’s hierarchical structure in multiple aspects: i) HEF utilizes subtrees containing most relevant nodes as self-supervision data for a complete comparison of parental and sibling relations; ii) HEF adopts a coherence modeling module to evaluate the coherence of a taxonomy’s subtree by integrating hypernymy relation detection and several tree-exclusive features; iii) HEF introduces the Fitting Score for position selection, which explicitly evaluates both path and level selections and takes full advantage of parental relations to interchange information for disambiguation and self-correction. Extensive experiments show that by better exploiting the hierarchical structure and optimizing taxonomy’s coherence, HEF vastly surpasses the prior state-of-the-art on three benchmark datasets by an average improvement of 46.7% in accuracy and 32.3% in mean reciprocal rank.