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Laura J. Pollock

Membre académique associé
Professeure adjointe, McGill University, Département de biologie


J’occupe le poste de professeure adjointe en conservation, écologie, évolution et comportement au Département de biologie de l'Université McGill. Je suis une écologiste quantitative intéressée par les modèles à grande échelle de la biodiversité aux niveaux régional, continental et mondial. Mes recherches portent sur les effets du changement climatique sur la biodiversité, combinant de nombreuses données sur la biodiversité avec des modèles prédictifs. Mes travaux se concentrent également sur l'optimisation dans le but de cibler les zones clés de biodiversité et de proposer des solutions de conservation efficaces.


Vulnerability of terrestrial vertebrate food webs to anthropogenic threats in Europe
Louise M. J. O'Connor
Francesca Cosentino
Michael B. J. Harfoot
Luigi Maiorano
Chiara Mancino
Wilfried Thuiller
Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios
Luigi Cao Pinna
Laure Gallien
Irena Axmanová
Milan Chytrý
Marco Malavasi
Alicia T. R. Acosta
Juan Antonio Campos
Marta Carboni
The Mediterranean Basin has historically been subject to alien plant invasions that threaten its unique biodiversity. This seasonally dry an… (voir plus)d densely populated region is undergoing severe climatic and socioeconomic changes, and it is unclear whether these changes will worsen or mitigate plant invasions. Predictions are often biased, as species may not be in equilibrium in the invaded environment, depending on their invasion stage and ecological characteristics. To address future predictions uncertainty, we identified invasion hotspots across multiple biased modelling scenarios and ecological characteristics of successful invaders. We selected 92 alien plant species widespread in Mediterranean Europe and compiled data on their distribution in the Mediterranean and worldwide. We combined these data with environmental and propagule pressure variables to model global and regional species niches, and map their current and future habitat suitability. We identified invasion hotspots, examined their potential future shifts, and compared the results of different modelling strategies. Finally, we generalised our findings by using linear models to determine the traits and biogeographic features of invaders most likely to benefit from global change. Currently, invasion hotspots are found near ports and coastlines throughout Mediterranean Europe. However, many species occupy only a small portion of the environmental conditions to which they are preadapted, suggesting that their invasion is still an ongoing process. Future conditions will lead to declines in many currently widespread aliens, which will tend to move to higher elevations and latitudes. Our trait models indicate that future climates will generally favour species with conservative ecological strategies that can cope with reduced water availability, such as those with short stature and low specific leaf area. Taken together, our results suggest that in future environments, these conservative aliens will move farther from the introduction areas and upslope, threatening mountain ecosystems that have been spared from invasions so far.
Novel community data in ecology-properties and prospects.
Florian Hartig
Nerea Abrego
Alex Bush
Jonathan M. Chase
G. Guillera‐Arroita
M. Leibold
Otso T. Ovaskainen
Loïc Pellissier
Maximilian Pichler
Giovanni Poggiato
Sara Si-moussi
Wilfried Thuiller
Duarte S Viana
D. Warton
Damaris Zurell
Douglas W. Yu
Linking biodiversity, ecosystem function, and Nature’s contributions to people: a macroecological energy flux perspective
Ana Carolina Antunes
Emilio Berti
Ulrich Brose
Myriam R. Hirt
Dirk N. Karger
Louise M. J. O'Connor
Wilfried Thuiller
Benoit Gauzens
Trait‐matching models predict pairwise interactions across regions, not food web properties
Dominique Caron
Ulrich Brose
Miguel Lurgi
F. Guillaume Blanchet
Dominique Gravel
Transnational conservation to anticipate future plant shifts in Europe
Yohann Chauvier-Mendes
Peter H. Verburg
Dirk N. Karger
Loïc Pellissier
Sébastien Lavergne
Niklaus E. Zimmermann
Wilfried Thuiller
Author Correction: 30×30 biodiversity gains rely on national coordination
Isaac Eckert
Andrea Brown
Dominique Caron
Federico Riva
30×30 biodiversity gains rely on national coordination
Isaac Eckert
Andrea Brown
Dominique Caron
Federico Riva
Graph embedding and transfer learning can help predict potential species interaction networks despite data limitations
Tanya Strydom
Salomé Bouskila
Francis Banville
Ceres Barros
Dominique Caron
Maxwell J. Farrell
Marie‐Josée Fortin
Benjamin Mercier
Rogini Runghen
Giulio V. Dalla Riva
Timothée Poisot
Metawebs (networks of potential interactions within a species pool) are a powerful abstraction to understand how large‐scale species inter… (voir plus)action networks are structured. Because metawebs are typically expressed at large spatial and taxonomic scales, assembling them is a tedious and costly process; predictive methods can help circumvent the limitations in data deficiencies, by providing a first approximation of metawebs. One way to improve our ability to predict metawebs is to maximize available information by using graph embeddings, as opposed to an exhaustive list of species interactions. Graph embedding is an emerging field in machine learning that holds great potential for ecological problems. Here, we outline how the challenges associated with inferring metawebs line‐up with the advantages of graph embeddings; followed by a discussion as to how the choice of the species pool has consequences on the reconstructed network, specifically as to the role of human‐made (or arbitrarily assigned) boundaries and how these may influence ecological hypotheses.
Conserving avian evolutionary history can effectively safeguard future benefits for people
Rikki Gumbs
Claudia L. Gray
Michael Hoffmann
Rafael Molina-Venegas
Nisha Owen
Phylogenetic diversity (PD)—the evolutionary history of a set of species—is conceptually linked to the maintenance of yet-to-be-discover… (voir plus)ed benefits from biodiversity or “option value.” We used global phylogenetic and utilization data for birds to test the PD option value link, under the assumption that the performance of sets of PD-maximizing species at capturing known benefits is analogous to selecting the same species at a point in human history before these benefits were realized. PD performed better than random at capturing utilized bird species across 60% of tests, with performance linked to the phylogenetic dispersion and prevalence of each utilization category. Prioritizing threatened species for conservation by the PD they encapsulate performs comparably to prioritizing by their functional distinctiveness. However, species selected by each metric show low overlap, indicating that we should conserve both components of biodiversity to effectively conserve a variety of uses. Our findings provide empirical support for the link between evolutionary history and benefits for future generations.
Addressing uncertainty when projecting marine species' distributions under climate change
Sarah C. Davies
Patrick L. Thompson
Catalina Gómez
Jessica Nephin
Anders Knudby
Ashley E. Park
Sarah K. Friesen
Emily M. Rubidge
Sean C. Anderson
Josephine C. Iacarella
Devin A. Lyons
Andrew MacDonald
Andrew McMillan
Eric J. Ward
Amber M. Holdsworth
Neil Swart
Jeff Price
Karen L. Hunter
Trophic interaction models predict interactions across space, not food webs.
Dominique Caron
Ulrich Brose
Miguel Lurgi
F. Guillaume Blanchet
Dominique Gravel
Aim: Trophic interactions are central to our understanding of essential ecosystem functions as well as their stability. Predicting these int… (voir plus)eractions has become increasingly common due to the lack of empirical data on trophic interactions for most taxa in most ecosystems. We aim to determine how far and accurately trophic interaction models extrapolate to new communities both in terms of pairwise predator-prey interactions and higher level food web attributes (i.e., species position, food web-level properties).