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Hossein Jafarzadeh

Doctorat - McGill University
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


Penalty weight tuning in high dose rate brachytherapy using multi-objective Bayesian optimization.
Hossein Jafarzadeh
Majd Antaki
Ximeng Mao
Marie Duclos
Farhad Maleki
OBJECTIVE Treatment plan optimization in high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy often requires manual fine-tuning of penalty weights for each ob… (voir plus)jective, which can be time-consuming and dependent on the planner's experience. To automate this process, this study used a multi-criteria approach called multi-objective Bayesian optimization with q-noisy expected hypervolume improvement as its acquisition function (MOBO-qNEHVI). Approach: The treatment plans of 13 prostate cancer patients were retrospectively imported to a research treatment planning system, RapidBrachyMTPS, where fast mixed integer optimization (FMIO) performs dwell time optimization given a set of penalty weights to deliver 15 Gy to the target volume. MOBO-qNEHVI was used to find patient-specific Pareto optimal penalty weight vectors that yield clinically acceptable dose volume histogram metrics. The relationship between the number of MOBO-qNEHVI iterations and the number of clinically acceptable plans per patient (acceptance rate) was investigated. The performance time was obtained for various parameter configurations. Main results: MOBO-qNEHVI found clinically acceptable treatment plans for all patients. With increasing the number of MOBO-qNEHVI iterations, the acceptance rate grew logarithmically while the performance time grew exponentially. Fixing the penalty weight of the tumour volume to maximum value, adding the target dose as a parameter, initiating MOBO-qNEHVI with 25 parallel sampling of FMIO, and running 6 MOBO-qNEHVI iterations found solutions that delivered 15 Gy to the hottest 95% of the clinical target volume while respecting the dose constraints to the organs at risk. The average acceptance rate for each patient was 89.74% ± 8.11%, and performance time was 66.6 ± 12.6 seconds. The initiation took 22.47 ± 7.57 s, and each iteration took 7.35 ± 2.45 s to find one Pareto solution. Significance: MOBO-qNEHVI can automatically explore the trade-offs between treatment plan objectives in a patient-specific manner within a minute. This approach can reduce the dependency of plan quality on planner's experience.