Mila > Team > Vincent Mai

Vincent Mai

Student Ph.D., Université de Montréal

I am a Ph.D candidate under prof. Liam Paull’s supervision in the Robotics and Embodied AI Lab. My research is oriented towards the estimation of uncertainty in neural networks predictions, and its application to reinforcement learning and robotics pipelines.

In parallel, I am interested in the responsible development of AI. I was part of the team of the Montreal Declaration. I am currently a member of Algora, an interdisciplinary research lab where we develop deliberative ethics of digital innovation. Among others, we worked on the Open Dialogue on AI Ethics in collaboration with UNESCO.

Before joining MILA, I was a master’s student at ETH Zurich where I worked on state estimation for aerial robots, such as drones and blimps, as well as visual odometry and SLAM methods for drones.