Mila > Team > Ahmad Pesaranghader

Ahmad Pesaranghader

Researcher, Student Post-Doc

Dr. Ahmad Pesaranghader is a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University and Mila advised by and collaborating with Dr. Yue Li and Dr. David Buckeridge. In his previous position, he collaborated with Dr. Julie Hussin at Montreal Heart Institute as a postdoctoral researcher while still affiliated with Mila. His research interests and area of expertise focus on the application and development of deep learning algorithms to the medical domain — such applications include but are not limited to bioinformatics, biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP), and biomedical knowledge graph (Biomedical KG) mining.

He obtained his Ph.D. from Dalhousie University in Computer Science, machine learning, and big data, during which he was advised by Dr. Stan Matwin and Dr. Marina Sokolova. Dr. Pesaranghader has more than 8 years of research and hands-on coding experience working with medical and biomedical data and applications, in both academia and industry.