Mila > Courses > Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2017 > Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2017

Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2017

DLSS: June 26th - July 1st, 2017 & RLSS: July 3rd - 5th, 2017

Invited Speakers

We are excited to announce that the Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer Schools (2017 edition) will features the following invited speakers:

Hugo Larochelle
Rich Zemel
Doina Precup
 Raquel Urtasun
 Ian Goodfellow
 Nando deFreitas
 Max Welling
 Matt Johnson
 Surya Ganguli
 Blake Richards
 Phil Blunsom
 Michael Osborne
 Rich Sutton
 Yoshua Bengio
 Aaron Courville
 Joelle Pineau
Satinder Singh
Pieter Abbeel
Hado van Hasselt
Philip Thomas
Rich Sutton
Csaba Szepesvari
Nicolas Le Roux
Devi Parikh
Dhruv Batra